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Jimin had woken back up around two hours later to his phone ringing and the sound of Haneul crying through the baby monitor. He sat up quickly, grabbing his phone as he rushed over to her crib and picked her up. As soon as he did, her crying almost stopped, sniffling and hiccuping as Jimin answered his phone, remembering Jungkook said he'd call on his lunch hour.

"Hi, baby, is everything okay at home?" Jungkook wondered.

"For the most part. Haneul has a fever. I think she must've caught something from the indoor play place yesterday." Jimin informed.

"Aww, poor thing. Do I need to come home early? Is she doing okay?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

"I think she's okay. I'm going to take her temperature again in a moment. She won't let me feed her anything." The younger sighed, reaching for the thermometer to scan her forehead.

102° it read, Jimin's heart dropping.

"Has it gone up?" Jungkook wanted to know.

"Y-Yeah. It's probably at its peak now. She isn't too fussy anymore though so I don't think I need to take her to the hospital. I'll give her another dose of medicine in a hour or so." The boy said.

"Okay, you call me if you want me to come home early." Jungkook insisted.

"I will." Jimin hummed quietly.

"I love you, okay? I know it's not convenient for me to be working like this again, but my dad needs the help. I'm supposed to take over the company one day when he's no longer around so it's good to be here learning as much as I can. You understand that, right?" The man explained further.

"I understand. I love you too, Jungkook." Jimin responded, smiling sadly before they exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone.

"Do you wanna try and eat something now, hmm?" He whispered to Haneul as he slid his phone back into his pocket.

The little one was quiet, only humming softly in response. Jimin took her downstairs into the kitchen, entering the pantry to see what her options of soup were.

"Do you want kimchi soup, chicken or tomato?" He asked, even though he already knew which one she'd likely pick. She loved eating it even when she wasn't sick.

"Chi chi!" She chirped excitedly as she pointed to the can of chicken soup broth.

Jimin was happy to see despite her high fever, her energy was back up a little. Her symptoms were dying down too thanks to the medicine, Haneul's nose no longer draining mucus every few minutes and she wasn't coughing too much anymore.

"Can I sit you down so I can fix your food?" He spoke softly as he tried to sit Haneul in her high chair, however she started fussing.

Jimin decided to just hold her because her fussing and crying was worsening the headache he'd woken up with that day. It wasn't for too long because he didn't want to possibly burn her while he was turning the stove on

"N-No! Dada!" She started to cry, well more like screaming, as Jimin sat her in the chair, fingers still grabbing his shirt.

"Sweetie, you need to let go." He attempted to pry her fingers off of him, struggling for a few moments before he finally freed himself from her hold.

"Dadaaaaaa!!" She continued to sob, Jimin feeling bad as he walked away towards the stove to begin making her lunch.

He tried to drown out her screaming, but it was hard, the splitting headache getting more painful as he poured the can chicken broth into a smaller pot, starting to boil water in a larger pot for the noodles. Jimin stepped back over to her high chair, carefully rubbing her back in hopes that she'd calm down.

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