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After leaving the kitchen, Jimin decided to go back to bed and lay down so he'd have more energy for when Jungkook planned to take him out later on.

He climbed into bed, Jungkook chuckling softly as he entered the room a few moments later. He sat on the bed beside Jimin and caressed his face with a hand.

"All you wanna do is sleep all day, huh?" He grinned, gently planting a few small kisses on his forehead. "Sorry I barely have any energy now." Jimin pouted.

"Aww, baby it's okay. Don't apologize." Jungkook shook his head. "You wanna go back to sleep for a little bit?" He asked and Jimin nodded.

Jungkook laid down beside him, Jimin snuggling close against him. "Aren't you going to get bored while I'm asleep?" Jimin wondered. "No." Jungkook shook his head with a quiet hum.

He carefully placed his hands on Jimin's tummy, feeling their daughter's small movements against it. "Can you feel that?" Jungkook asked. "Yes, it's such a weird feeling." Jimin giggled adorably.

"But it makes me really happy." He mumbled. "Me too." Jungkook smiled softly. Jimin closed his eyes to go to sleep, Jungkook leaning in to place a small kiss on his cheek.

"You know, I still can't believe we're getting married. I never thought I'd get married one day." Jimin whispered. "I'm so happy we are, I love you so much." Jungkook whispered back.

"Go to sleep now, Jimin." He insisted, the younger nodding a bit and heading back to sleep without another word.


Jungkook had laid there for quite a few hours, simply watching tv to keep himself occupied while Jimin rested for a while.

The boy started to wake around 4:30 squirming in Jungkook's arms a bit before his eyes slowly started to open.
He met gazes with Jungkook, the older smiling faintly as he brushed his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"Are you more energized now?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded, wincing a little as he started to come to his senses more. "I feel nauseas." He murmured.

"Well that's not good. Do you want something to eat, maybe some soup?" Jungkook offered and Jimin nodded. He sat up, peering back down at the younger who pouted a little.

"We'll leave out in a couple of hours, okay? That'll give a chance to wake up a little more and hopefully you'll feel less nauseas." Jungkook explained. "M'kay." Jimin murmured.

It don't take long for Jungkook to make Jimin the bowl of soup, heading back into the bedroom and handing it to him. He ate slowly, starting to feel better as he did so.

"It's cause she's kicking I feel sick. And it kinda hurts too." Jimin concluded., wincing slightly every few seconds. "Aw, really?" Jungkook chuckled as he sat beside him, carefully rubbing little circles on his tummy.

"You gotta calm down in there, girly, you're making dada feel sick." Jungkook murmured to Jimin's stomach, the younger letting out a laugh.

"I love you so much." Jimin whispered mindlessly, not expecting Jungkook hear it, but he did. He looked down slightly into his eyes and smiled contently. "I love you too." He responded.

After a little bit, Jimin had the energy to get up and take a shower, getting dressed in a comfortable outfit that consisted of sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt in attempts to hide his tummy a little but at this point it wasn't easy to cover up.

He stood in front of the full-body mirror, frowning slightly. "You can see my tummy now." Jimin mumbled to himself.

"Well yeah, you're on like, your seventh month now, almost eighth." Jungkook chuckled as he walked up behind him and hugged him comfortingly. "I don't like it." Jimin shook his head.

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