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Later on the evening, Jungkook decided he'd lay Haneul down to go to bed, only because he wanted to stall the time. He hated talking about his feelings to other people.

As much much as he loved and trusted Jimin, he hated opening up about his feelings to anybody. It didn't matter who it was.

"Sweet dreams." He quietly whispered to Haneul, who was fast asleep, before laying her down in her crib. He made sure the night light was on before turning off the larger light in the room, closing the door behind him.

As he entered their bedroom, he smiled faintly upon seeing Jimin half asleep underneath the covers, the smaller reaching his arms out for him.

Jungkook laid beside him, Jimin clinging onto him tightly. "Are you ready to talk to me now?" He whispered. "I guess." Jungkook whispered back as he snaked his arms around him.

He let out a small sigh, Jimin peering up into his eyes. "I just really, really hate myself right now." Jungkook admitted. "Why?" Jimin murmured. "I keep messing things up. As much as I try to make things right, it just always seems to go terribly." He went on.

"Especially with you, Jimin. I really love you, and I never want to intentionally hurt your feelings but I feel like I've done it so much, even after I promised I wasn't going to h-hurt you again." Jungkook shook his head as he started to cry for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"Don't cry, shh, don't cry." Jimin reached a hand up cup Jungkook's face, carefully wiping the tears away. "A-And out of all the people I didn't want to hate me, my mom does. I don't even know what I did. She's the one that left me and dad here alone. I-I tried contacting her for a year. A whole year and she ignored me." He sniffled.

"And all of your friends hate me-" "They don't hate you." Jimin stopped him. "They used to and they had a good reason for it. I f-feel like even now they still have doubts about me. It may not seem like it, but I know they still think I'm not right for you." Jungkook said.

"I know Haneul is still a baby, but I feel like even when she's grows up she'll hate me too. I-I didn't even want her in the beginning. How am I supposed to tell her when she's older I d-didn't want y-you or her at first." He hiccuped.

"Jungkook, look at me." Jimin said. The man met gazes with him, Jimin pouting sadly before placing a kiss onto the tip of his nose.

"You know I've forgiven you for all those things, and for the most part, they weren't even your fault. It was mostly me misreading a situation. I don't hate you, I never have and I never will." He spoke softly.

"My friends don't hate you, Jungkook. They're really happy that you chose to be in my life instead of leaving me. I know it didn't seem like it at first, but even now if you ask them, they'll tell you how much they appreciate you being here for me." Jimin continued.

"And I know the situation with your moms seems really bad now, but I'm almost certain she likely regrets saying that to you. The way you described how close you two were before she left, I can only imagine how upset she was after leaving you. I'm not justifying it, but I don't think she meant to ignore you for that long. She was probably dealing with a lot of mental pain." Jimin concluded.

Jungkook's cries had subsided, the smaller continuing to wipe the stray tears away from his face

"I love you, Jungkook, okay? I'm really proud of you for talking to me instead of holding all of that in. You mean more than the world to me. I wouldn't be marrying you if I didn't, right?" He reminded, Jungkook letting out a quiet laugh.

That was the first time he'd seen him genuinely smile in a long time. "I love you too, thank you for listening to me and helping me feel better about some things." Jungkook mumbled.

"And I'm sorry for not helping you with Haneul the past few days, I just-" "I know, it's okay." Jimin didn't want him to apologize for anything else.

"Thanks, Jimin." Jungkook repeated. "Let's go to sleep, okay? You need the rest. Having all that stuff on your mind was probably mentally draining." Jimin whispered, and Jungkook nodded.

"I love you." Jungkook whispered, Jimin humming quietly in response as they both closed their eyes to go to sleep, the younger more than happy that Jungkook was feeling a little better now.

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