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Jimin woke up to a strange noise coming from beside the bed, but soon recognized it was quiet sniffles. He carefully opened his eyes, startled upon seeing Jungkook standing there.

He was holding the smaller's hand, rubbing it gently with his thumb as tears steadily streamed down his face.

"Jungkook?" Jimin whispered. "I was s-so worried about you." The man breathed out. "Why were you so stressed? And you never said I love you back last night. Can you tell me what's going on, please?" He was desperate to know.

"Because you love her now." Jimin mumbled. "W-What? Love who- wait..." Jungkook paused, letting out a bitter laugh as more tears fell.

"Instead of c-cheating you could've just let me go easily, y'know." Jimin frowned slightly. "Baby, what are you talking about? You mean that picture I posted a couple nights ago?" Jungkook asked and Jimin hesitantly nodded.

"Jimin, Eun is my cousin. We grew up really close because our parents work together running the company." Jungkook started.

"She moved away to America at the end of elementary school because a part of the company was transferred there. I haven't seen her since and I was really excited to see her." He finished explaining.

Jimin had never felt so utterly stupid in his life. "I would never cheat on you, ever. And why would I now of all times when we're about to have our baby? D-Do you think I don't love you anymore?" Jungkook's eyes started to gloss over with tears again.

"I-I'm sorry." Jimin sniffled as he started to cry too. "I shouldn't have assumed that out of all things. I'm such a hypocrite too." He shook his head. "I almost lost our daughter because of my stupid intrusive thoughts. I'm so s-sorry." Jimin looked up into his eyes.

"Shhh, it's okay. I completely understand why it seemed like that to you. And your hormones are all over the place so of course you're thinking different now than how you would've months ago." Jungkook gently caressed Jimin's face.

"It's n-not right though because I got mad at you for t-thinking the same thing about Taehyung and I. I feel so terrible." He cried. "Don't, alright? You don't need to be stressed anymore. I love you so much, okay? More than anything right now." Jungkook assured.

"I love you too." Jimin nodded. Jungkook leaned down and pressed a soft kiss onto his lips, lifting Jimin's shirt slightly and placing a few little kisses onto his tummy.

"Are you going to go back so you can finish your meetings this week?" Jimin wondered. "No, I'm gonna stay here with you. Surprisingly, my dad said that it was best I stay here." Jungkook chuckled quietly.

"You think he hates me a little less now?" The younger pouted. "He doesn't hate you, Jimin. He's just not that fond of you, but I'm sure once he actually meets you he'll quit acting so ignorant." The man rolled his eyes.

"How long do you have to stay here?" Jungkook asked. "My doctor has to do another check-up on me and the baby, then I can leave." Jimin answered.

"Oh, okay." Jungkook said, letting out a heavy sigh. "What's wrong?" Jimin murmured. "Nothing, baby. I'm okay." Jungkook nodded

"Yes there is, you did that weird thing where you take a deep breath and look away into the distance. You always do that when you're about to cry." Jimin had noticed, and that was enough to bring Jungkook to tears once again.

"C-Cause I did this to you. I promised I wasn't going to hurt your feelings this year, but I already failed." Jungkook let out as he quickly wiped the tears away from his face.

"Don't cry, come here." Jimin reached his arms for him, Jungkook leaning down a bit so Jimin could hug him. "Everyday is a new day, right?" He started, and Jungkook nodded.

"Then we can forget about this and move on, alright?" Jimin leaned away and peered into his eyes. "It might be easy for you, but it's hard to live with myself knowing I keep messing up and doing these things to you. I hate hurting your feelings." Jungkook sniffled.

"But this wasn't your fault, Jungkook. Please don't think it was." Jimin shook his head as he cupped Jungkook's face

He smiled faintly, leaning in and placing a kiss on the tip of Jungkook's nose. "I really love you, I hope you know that. You make me really happy and I don't want you to beat yourself up over this." Jimin whispered softly, carefully wiping Jungkook's tears away from his face.

"I love you too, baby. You mean the world to me." Jungkook whispered back.


Jungkook took Jimin back home as soon as he was able to leave the hospital, pulling the smaller into his arms as they entered their bedroom.

"Jungkook-" "Shhh." Jungkook hushed him. "While I was there, I could barely focus during my meetings. I just had this terrible feeling something bad was going to you happen while I was gone." Jungkook started.

"It's only natural you felt like that." Jimin smiled to himself. "I should've just begged my dad to let me stay home. None of this would've happened." Jungkook frowned slightly.

"It's over with now, let's not harp on it anymore" Jimin looked up at his face, and Jungkook nodded. "Well, tell me if you start feeling any pain again, okay?" He said.

"Yeah, I will." Jimin nodded, quickly pecking Jungkook's lips before walking over to the bed to lay down.

Jungkook sat down on the bed beside him, Jimin smiling softly at him. "Just, what, two weeks left?" Jungkook spoke softly as he placed a hand on top of his tummy.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get nervous though. I've never gone through this before." Jimin pouted a little. "Don't be, I'm gonna be right here with you the entire time." Jungkook ensured.

"That's what Jin told me a few days ago. That you'd be right here with me." The younger giggled. "See, even he knows." Jungkook laughed.

"You think she'll look more like me or you." Jimin wondered. "I dunno." Jungkook smiled a little as he felt the baby's tiny movements against Jimin's stomach.

"She's gonna be really pretty, that's all I know. Especially if she ends up looking more like you." He predicted. "Awww, you're so sweet. But I'm gonna guess she'll look more like you." Jimin said.

"You think?" Jungkook rose an eyebrow. "Yeah, definitely. That, or maybe she'll look like the both of us somehow." He nodded. "Yeah, probably." The man shrugged.

Jungkook just smiled to himself as Jimin rambled on about how excited he was about it too, happy that things ended on a good note.

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