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The following few weeks after Jimin's appointment, Jimin had fallen into a deep depressive state. The smaller would only leave the bed to use the bathroom, or on a rare occasion, eat something in the kitchen with Jungkook. Of course the man was extremely worried for him. Jimin had been seeing a therapist everyday since he received the news on on his inability to conceive, but it was still scary to watch him completely isolate himself from life.

Jungkook had been home from work ever since, and as always, the older was blaming himself for the situation. It was a horrible cycle Jungkook would experience each time something bad happened to Jimin. He would just blame himself even though it wasn't his fault.

However, in comparison, Jimin was in a much worse state than Jungkook. Some days he'd just be in and out of sleep and wouldn't speak much. Some he'd stare off blankly as he laid in bed, only speaking if Jungkook was asking him simple questions like if he wanted something to eat or drink. And on most, he'd just cry. Jimin would just break down and cry until he got a headache and his throat hurt from the painful emotional lump that would form. And Jungkook would just cry with him sometimes because he felt so helpless.

He knew that seeing a therapist was slowly helping, but Jungkook wanted to help even more, and the fact that it seemed like even after trying his best to be there, it didn't make a dent in making Jimin feel better, and it hurt him so much. Jungkook hated that what he wanted to do for Jimin the most, keep him happy that is, was out of his control right now. He absolutely hated it.

As of now, Jimin was at his daily therapist visit, and Jungkook was going to visit his mother to talk about his feelings while Haneul was being babysat by Hoseok and Yoongi. Ever since his parents had gotten back together a few months prior, they'd grown so much closer to each other so he felt he could go to the both of them now to express his feelings, and Jungkook was really grateful for that. It was a piece of his life he missed that was slowly growing back.

"Is Jimin doing any better?" His mother wondered as the two of them sat in the living room, the women placing two mugs of tea onto the coffee table before turning down the volume on the television.

"I don't know mom. It's really hard to tell." Jungkook began, mentally cursing himself as he felt tears forming in his eyes.

"I know that was some heavy news to hear a few weeks ago. I didn't know it would tear him apart that much." She sighed, taking a sip from her cup.

"Mom, I-I don't know what to do." Jungkook's voice broke.

"Oh, sweetie, come here." She reached her arms out, Jungkook gladly hugging as he finally let the tears go.

"H-He's just so sad a-all the time and I feel like it's my fault that he felt s-some sort of pressure to have a second kid because I talked about w-wanting another one once. I shouldn't have even brought i-it up so soon to him I-I wanted to. T-This is all my fault he's like this now." He rambled shakily.

"No, Jungkook, none of this is your fault. Jimin...he seems like a very delicate human by nature. Some things break him easier than others and it's hard to help someone like that see the upside to certain situations. And it may be even harder to put the pieces back together." Mrs. Jeon tried to explain to him.

"A-And I hate that. I hate that I c-can't help him enough to m-make him feel better. He thinks I'm mad o-or disappointed in him and no m-matter how much I try to tell him, h-he just can't believe it. And I'm not mad at him, or disappointed, I just want h-him to know and understand that so badly." Jungkook cried.

"I know you do, but it's going to take time. He loves you more than anything, I know that for a fact. The best thing you can do right now is just be home with him and take care of him through all of this like you've been doing. In time, he's going to go back to his normal self, okay?" His mother concluded, Jungkook leaning away from the hug.

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