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"What do you wanna do today?" Jungkook wondered as they resided in the kitchen, Jimin munching on his breakfast while Jungkook fed Haneul.

A few weeks had flown by and their wedding was just a week away, the two of them both overly excited for it. "I don't know, there's nothing really to do." Jimin shrugged. "Especially since she's still so little." He smiled faintly.

"We can take her to the park, it's so nice out today." Jungkook suggested. "What are we going to do at the park?" The younger wondered.

"I dunno, let her play in the grass or something. She hasn't been outside to enjoy the weather thoroughly yet." Jungkook chuckled.

"You wanna go to the park, hmm?" He asked the baby, Haneul mindlessly chewing on her bib with a little smile. "Fine, I guess we'll go." Jimin agreed.

After breakfast, the two got dressed and ready to go before giving Haneul a bath and changing her into a pretty summer outfit.

Jimin hummed in delight as they stepped into the warm, summer air. It was his favorite type of weather. He carefully strapped Haneul into her car seat while Jungkook went back to get a blanket and her bag, slipping a pacifier in between her lips so she wouldn't get fussy.

"My dad wants to spend a day with her." Jungkook began as he started the drive to the park. "Really?" Jimin asked, voice coated with shock.

"Yeah, he's happy about being a grandfather now." The man chuckled. "Aww, sure. Then we could spend the day to ourselves. We haven't in a while." Jimin peered over at him.

Jungkook spared him a glance, a small smile playing onto his lips at the mere thought. For a moment, he almost forgot that at one point, it was just the two of them until Haneul arrived.

"A day to ourselves, that sounds really nice." He answered softly.

Once they got to the park, Jungkook grabbed the blanket and Haneul's bag, Jimin unstrapping her car seat to carry her while they found a spot on the grass.

There were plenty people out at the park that day, some having picnics on the field while some were just there to lay and bask in the warm sun. The weather was undeniably perfect that day.

They found a spot under a tree, a balanced amount of sunlight and shade covering the area. Jungkook laid down the blanket, Jimin taking Haneul out of the car seat carrier and placing her onto the soft fabric.

Jimin smiled contently as he carefully stroked her chubby cheek with his thumb, the baby letting out little squeals of joy from Jimin's comforting touch.

"She's so precious." Jungkook awed quietly. "I dunno, Jungkook, she's starting to look more like you now." Jimin had noticed. "Really? You think so?" The man wondered.

"It's really when she smiles." Jimin giggled quietly as he gently tickled the side of her neck, the smile on her face growing as she laughed adorably. "See." Jimin pointed out.

"I finally got her to crawl a little bit." Jungkook grinned. "She can't crawl yet." The younger shook his head. "No, watch." Jungkook moved closer to Haneul, carefully picking her up and placing her on her hands and knees.

"Come on, bun, you were just doing it yesterday." He spoke softly. Haneul whined quietly, Jungkook keeping her steady as she slowly lifted up a hand.

Haneul was so close, but ended up collapsing onto her tummy. "Told you." Jimin laughed. "She crawled yesterday, I'm telling you. I should've recorded it." Jungkook pouted.

The little baby squirmed a bit before rolling onto her back, letting out a tiny sigh. "What flavor ice cream do you want? I'm going to go buy some now while the line isn't as long ." Jungkook stood up.

"Strawberry." Jimin answered. "M'kay, I'll be back." He said before walking off. Jimin scooped Haneul up into his arms to hold her, smiling softly as he gazed down at her.

"Did you really crawl yesterday? Or is Dada lying?" He asked. "Ah!" She cooed with a bright smile. "Okay, I'll take that as a yes." Jimin chuckled, pressing a kiss onto her cheek, making her giggle softly.

"Oh, Jiminie?" He heard Taehyung's voice, looking up and smiling a bit. "Hey, I haven't seen you in forever." Jimin responded.

Taehyung sat down in front of him on the blanket, awing quietly as Haneul reached for him. "I think she wants you to hold her." Jimin giggled, handing the baby over to him.

"Aww, she's so pretty. Well, she is your daughter so of course she is." The man chuckled. "How've you been?" Jimin wondered.

"Pretty alright, I'm on vacation from work so I've just been out enjoying the weather. It's really nice out today." Taehyung said, laughing as Haneul reached her hand up and grabbed his cheek.

"Yeah, that's what Jungkook said, which is why we're here. And Haneul hasn't been out to enjoy this type of weather yet." Jimin explained.

"You should go to the beach, she might enjoy that too." Taehgung suggested. "I was thinking about it." The younger nodded.

Jungkook arrived back over, sitting down and simply eyeing Taehyung with a complex stare. "Well, I'll get going. I'll see you next week." Taehyung gave Haneul back to Jimin, waving as he stood up to continue his walk.

He could tell there was still some negative tension between them after what happened nearly a year ago. Jimin just didn't understand why Jungkook still sort of thought that way about Taehyung despite clearing things up.

"Jungkook I thought we agreed to let it go a while ago. Taehyung and I are just friends. We're literally getting married next week." Jimin murmured. "I..." Jungkook was unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, handing Jimin his ice cream. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. All Taehyung wants is to be friends with the both of us." Jimin said.

"I know, I'll talk to him next week." Jungkook said, taking a bite of his ice cream.

"Can babies eat ice cream?" He wondered. "It's not recommended they eat stuff like this until their at least one." Jimin responded, but he could tell just by the way Haneul was scanning their ice cream cups, she wanted some.

"A small bite should be fine." Jungkook said, holding up a spoon of his vanilla ice cream up to her mouth. She hummed quietly at the taste, opening her mouth for another bite but Jungkook shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry, bun. That's all you can have. You can eat more if it when you're a little bigger." Jungkook said, and she started to pout a little.

"You can have a little bit of mine too and that's it." Jimin whispered, giving her small bite of his strawberry ice cream. Haneul whined quietly as she, once again, opened her mouth for more.

"You can't, I'm sorry." Jimin said, and the little one started to cry. "Aww, now I feel bad." Jungkook pouted slightly, Haneul reaching her arms out for him. Jimin gave her over to Jungkook, Haneul resting her head against his chest as she quickly started to calm down.

"She's very attached to you." Jimin noticed. "Is that a good or bad thing? I don't wanna steal all your attention." The man laughed nervously.

"A good thing, I promise. It's the cutest thing ever. I'm happy she bonded well with you." Jimin grinned.

They stayed at the park a little while longer before Haneul ended up going to sleep, so they took her home to lay her down for her nap.

"I wish she could stay like this." Jungkook whispered as he carefully stroked her cheek. "Me too." Jimin agreed, the both of them simply peering down at her in adoration before leaving the room.

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