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Christmas had came and gone, and now Jungkook and Jimin were on their way to a nice, luxurious hotel in downtown Seoul. The visit to his parent's place was nice, Jimin happy to see his parents again.

Once arrived at the hotel, Jungkook paid for a valet parking. He took his and Jimin's suitcase, leading the boy inside to get checked it. They waited a little bit before walking over to the check-in counter.

Jungkook paid for three nights which was how long they'd be staying for. It was already starting to get late, and tomorrow was New Year's Eve.

Jungkook rolled their suitcases over to the elevator, Jimin following sleepily. He was ready to get into the bed as soon as they got to their room.

They took the elevator up to the top floor where the expensive luxury suites were located. Jungkook stopped at a door and swiped the key card, opening the door for him and Jimin to enter.

"Woah..." was all Jimin could mumbled as he ambled over to the large window and gazed around at the amazing view from their room. "The view is great, isn't it?" Jungkook smiled.

"Yeah, I could sit here and stare all night." Jimin giggled. The room had a living room area, a kitchen, a master bedroom and a small laundry room. Jimin entered the bedroom and sat on the bed, already in his pajamas so he didn't need to change.

He laid down, reaching his arms out for Jungkook so they could cuddle. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick then we can go to bed, okay?" He said and Jimin nodded a little.

He laid there and patiently waited for Jungkook to finish, nearly drifting to sleep until he heard the shower shut off after about ten minutes. Jungkook exited the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist, revealing his sculpted upper body to which Jimin just stared in astonishment.

Jungkook turned to face him and chuckled softly, his went hair falling before his eyes as he smirked faintly. "Like what you see?" He teased, Jimin covering his face with the other pillow on the bed and whining out of embarrassment.

Jungkook dried off and got dressed into his pajamas, Jimin still covering his face. "You can look now, baby. I don't know why you're acting like you've never seen me without clothes on before." The man laughed.

"I d-don't remember it that well. I was really drunk, remember?" Jimin reminded. "Right." Jungkook hummed as he vigorously rubbed his hair with the towel. He then used a blow dryer to complete dry it, making it nice and fluffy.

He exited back out of the bathroom and shut the light out, switching on the tv to watch a late night show. He laid beside Jimin and cuddled the boy closely in his arms, gently rubbing his tummy. "Jungkook?" Jimin mumbled. "Hmm?" He hummed.

"Thanks for doing this for me." Jimin whispered. "Of course, Jimin. Anything for you." Jungkook whispered back, pressing a kiss on the tip of his nose. "Get some rest, alright? I know you're sleepy." He smiled softly.

"Goodnight." Jimin said. "Goodnight, baby, I love you." Jungkook smiled faintly. "Love you too." Jimin answered.

"Wait, what are we doing tomorrow?" The boy wondered. "Well, I was going to take you to the mall later in the day, depending on how much energy you have tomorrow, and then out to dinner." Jungkook explained.

"I'll have enough energy." Jimin nodded. "You sure?" Jungkook asked and the boy nodded. "Alright then."
Jungkook said.

"Sweet dreams." He whispered before they both drifted to sleep.


The next morning, Jungkook woke up a little later than he usually would. To his surprise, Jimin wasn't in the bed. He didn't think Jimin would have the energy to get up earlier than him because for the past month he'd be sleeping in to at least 11:00 a.m.

He slid off the bed and trudged over to the door, exiting the room. He walked into the kitchen where the oven was on a timer so that meant Jimin must've been baking something.

He then entered the living room and chuckled quietly seeing that Jimin had fallen back asleep on the couch. The oven beeped, so Jungkook took out what Jimin was making, chocolate chip muffins.

He set them on the counter and went back into the living room, leaning down and planting a little kiss on Jimin's cheek. "Wake up, Jimin." He gently shook the boy.

Jimin's eyes shot open. "The muffins!" He panicked. "I took them out. It's a good thing I woke up a couple of minutes before the oven beeped." The man laughed at Jimin's disoriented expression.

He helped Jimin up to his feet and swung his arms around him, the younger sinking into his warm embrace. "You feeling okay? Did you get sick at all this morning?" Jungkook asked.

"No, thank goodness. I actually haven't in a while." Jimin noticed. "That's good." Jungkook nodded. "Only about four or five more weeks left." He smiled and Jimin nodded.

"I'm proud of you for pushing through so far. I know this was really hard for you." Jungkook spoke softly, carefully rubbing Jimin's tummy. "Mhmm." Jimin hummed.

Jungkook leaned away from the hug a bit, gazing into Jimin's eyes contently. "She's gonna be so pretty just like you." Jungkook insisted, Jimin giggling softly as he let go.

They both went to the kitchen to eat some muffins, which were cooled down by now.

Jimin took a bite of his and hummed quietly. "You think of any names yet?" Jungkook asked. "No, I think I'll let you pick her name." Jimin smiled. "Really? You sure?" Jungkook wanted to be certain. "Yeah." Jimin nodded.

After they finished eating, Jimin ambled over to the sink to start washing the dishes. Jungkook followed, wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist to give him a back hug.

"You're so clingy today." Jimin mumbled. "Is that annoying you?" Jungkook was about to unwrap his arms from around Jimin but the boy stopped him.

"No, it's cute, Jungkook. I like when you're clingy." Jimin laughed. "Oh..." Jungkook let out quietly, his face starting to fade to pink.

"You should've told me that before. I genuinely thought you got annoyed anytime I was." Jungkook admitted. "No, I don't." Jimin shook his head.

Jungkook placed a small kiss on the side of Jimin's neck with a small hum, Jimin smiling at that. "I love you." He whispered and Jimin just nodded.

"Baby? You didn't say it back?" Jungkook's tone softened. Jimin dried the last plate off and set it down before turning around to face the older.

"You already know I love you too." Jimin laughed at Jungkook's expression, the man pouting adorably. Jimin kissed his lips gently before resting his head upon his shoulder.

"I love you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you." Jungkook whispered. "Are you okay?" Jimin leaned away a bit to look into his eyes.

"I don't know, I just feel really bad for making you feel like I hated you or didn't want to spend time with you because I was reluctant about taking time off from work." He admitted.

"That was just my stupid hormones making me upset, please don't take it to heart." Jimin shook his head. "I know, but I still feel bad." Jungkook said.

Jimin gently brushed his fingers through Jungkook's hair, leaning in to kiss him once more. "Seriously, don't worry about it." He murmured and Jungkook nodded a little as he continued to hug him.

"You can let go now." Jimin giggled. "I don't want to let go." Jungkook shook his head. "Fine." Jimin smiled to himself as he rested his head against Jungkook's chest, the two staying like that in each other's arms for a while.

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