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When Jungkook woke up the next morning and Jimin wasn't in the bed anymore. He assumed the younger was probably making breakfast right now. He sat up and yawned, the warm shining through the windows.

He climbed out of bed and exited his bedroom, heading downstairs to the kitchen to see if that's what a Jimin was doing.

Sure enough, he discovered the boy cooking a simple breakfast of pancakes and bacon. Jimin rushed up to Jungkook and hugged him tightly, the man chuckling to himself.

"Happy birthday. I love you." He murmured. "Aww, I love you too. Thank you, baby." Jungkook smiled and pressed a quick kiss on Jimin's lips.

"I made pancakes, ta-da~" Jimin giggled softly. "I hope you like chocolate chip though." He added. "I do." Jungkook nodded. Jimin attempted to reach for the plates located in the cabinet but it was too high up.

Jungkook laughed as he watched the younger cutely struggle before getting up and grabbing the plates for him. "Tiny~" He teased, ruffling Jimin's hair. "Shut up." Jimin crossed his arms as Jungkook reached for the plates.

They took their time eating breakfast, Jungkook mindlessly talking about random things while Jimin just listened. "Do you wanna go for a walk at the park? If you're not too tired?" Jungkook asked.

"Sure." Jimin agreed. Jungkook glanced at the boy and chuckled softly. "You got chocolate on your face." He said, grabbing his napkin and reaching over to wipe it off Jimin's cheek.

"I could've got it myself." Jimin began blushing. "Oh well." Jungkook grinned.

After finishing breakfast, the two took showers and got dressed to leave to go to the park.

It was bright and sunny out today. The weather was mild enough for Jimin to wear a sweater without burning up so that's what he opted on wearing, along with a pair of jeans.

Jungkook wore a pretty casual outfit compared to his work clothes, a grey crew neck sweatshirt, a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of chunky black boots that made him more taller than already was.

They left the house, Jungkook driving them to the park. "I know you don't really like fancy restaurants but there's one I wanted to take you to tonight that's really nice. I feel like you'd actually like it." Jungkook spoke as he drove.

"It's your birthday, it's about you. You can go where you want today." Jimin assured. "Right." Jungkook reminded himself.

When they arrived at the park, Jungkook found a parking spot and they got out of the car. There was a nice, small breeze blowing, Jimin happy he ended up wearing a sweater or he'd be freezing.

Jungkook took him by the hand and led him to the sidewalk where they began walking along the path. "Wait, Jimin?" Jungkook said. "Yeah?" Jimin glanced over at him.

"Have you told your parents yet?" Jungkook asked. Jimin's eyes widened a little. "No..." He mumbled. "They don't even know dating anyone. Oh my gosh they're going to kill me-" "Hey, calm down, it's okay." Jungkook spoke softly.

"Do you wanna call them later? Or maybe go visit them to tell them in person?" Jungkook asked. "I have to tell them in person, it'll just be awkward if it's over the phone. Plus, I'm sure they'd want to meet you." Jimin explained.

"Yeah." Jungkook hummed. "We can go tomorrow." Jimin stated.

The two were silent for a while as they took in the scenery, enjoying each other's company. There was really no need to talk right now.

They made it all the way to the lakefront before Jimin declared he needed to take a break, so they sat under a tree on the soft grass.

"You wanna go in the morning?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, that's fine." Jimin nodded. "Wait, no, it'd have to be later, you have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning." Jungkook reminded. "Oh yeah." Jimin realized.

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