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Jimin eyes fluttered open slowly, immediately being blinded by the rays of sun beaming through the windows. Where am I? Jimin thought to himself as he looked around the unfamiliar room.

He could hardly remember a thing from that last night until he spotted a man standing in the corner of the room. He was shirtless but had on his pants. Jimin couldn't help but just stare because just from the side profile he knew whoever this guy was was very handsome.

The man was tapping away at his phone, Jimin presumed he was texting someone. The boy slowly sat up, realizing he was naked. Then it hit him like a brick.


"Come on Jimin, you're of age now, we can go get drinks and have fun." His friend Jin begged as they exited the dorm building of Jimin's university. He had graduated a few days ago and had just finished moving the stuff out of his dorms and into his apartment that were nearby Jin's. Jin was just helping him out.

"I don't know, drinking sounds scary." Jimin said. "You're such a baby. It'll be fun. Joon and I go all the time. Speaking of, maybe you can finally find a boyfriend!" Jin said excitedly.

"Absolutely not." Jimin laughed. "Aww come on, you need to find the 'one' soon." Jin said as they got into his car and drive to the apartment building.

Once there, they went up to Jimin's apartment room and began unpacking his things. "I don't think a club is a good place to fine the 'one'. Everyone will be all drunk and feelings won't be genuine at all." Jimin said.

"So see each other when you're not drunk too." Jin said. "I dunno. Only if someone approaches me." Jimin smiled shyly. "Whatever." Jin rolled his eyes.

Later that night, Jin picked Jimin up to go to the club, Jin's boyfriend joining them so someone would be able to drive them home. Jimin wore something pretty simple, a white button up shirt and black skinny jeans, making sure to leave the top two buttons of his shirt unbutton to show off his designer necklace.

He styled his blond hair as he usually does before hearing a knock at his door. He grabbed his phone and wallet before leaving the apartment with Jin.

They got into his car, Jimin greeting Jin's boyfriend who was driving. "This is gonna be fun, Jimin, I don't know why you're so anxious." Jin laughed. "I'm n-not." Jimin shook his head.

When they arrived at the club, Jin's boyfriend paid for valet parking and they got out. "Don't get too drunk tonight." Jin's boyfriend said, slipping an arm around his waist. Jimin envied them. He still hasn't had a boyfriend once in his entire life, let alone any guy like him.

"I'll be okay, Joon, I promise I won't." Jin smiled at him. "Jimin, come on before they're at capacity, this place gets crowded quickly." Jin grabbed his wrist and quickly walked him over to the line to get in.

Once up front, they showed their ID's and were let in by security. It was pretty crowded, and hot. Jimin could barely breathe, the heat was that suffocating.

They made it over to the bar. "Eh, we'll start you off with something easy." Jin said. Jin ordered his drink and then ordered Jimin's. He handed a bottle of soju to Jimin, but it had a very low alcohol percentage.

"Go on, take a sip." Jin gestured as he downed his own drink. Jimin opened the bottle and took a sip, giving a sour look. "I don't like it." Jimin said. "Finish it, it's easy compared to what else I could've given you." Jin said.

Jimin quickly down the bottle, despite the taste but he finished it. "Wow, you're doing a lot better than me than when I first had a drink." Jin laughed.

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