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The days forward after, Jimin seemed to be doing so, so much better. He was finally easing out of his depressive state and Jungkook couldn't be more happier for him.

Jimin was his usual talkative self again, which he now included how well his therapy sessions were going into conversations. He didn't need to go everyday anymore, but he'd at least start going once a week. He was formally diagnosed with anxiety disorder and prescribed medication for it, though he'd had the feeling he knew he had it before he was even diagnosed. Jungkook had the feeling too.

It was scary, but Jimin felt relieved to know the reasoning behind why he'd feel the way he did sometimes, always anxious on how Jungkook would react or think of him. However, Jungkook didn't see him any differently despite that. The man could never think of Jimin a certain way just because he had a fairly common mental disorder. If anything, it gave him reason to be even more of the loving husband he already was, checking in on the younger, talking to each other about their feelings and being there to comfort him through the times he felt anxious.

Jimin was so grateful for that.

They were both aware things would be worse before they got better, and they'd thankfully made it through the hard parts. Juggling parenting with a relationship and anxiety was a stressful mixture but Jimin was strong, proving that he wouldn't let it get the best of him because he'd always have what made him the happiest by his side forever.

Today was a genuinely good day, Jimin currently out with Jin and Hoseok to pick out Haneul's birthday gift being that she'd be turning one the next day. Jimin honestly couldn't believe it. It had been a whole year, and she was growing up too fast.

"Is giving birth scary?" Jin wondered, considering that he was pregnant at the moment.

"Not as much as I thought it'd be. You don't feel a thing, it's kinda fast." Jimin explained. "You'll be okay, you're braver than me anyways." He said, the both of them laughing.

"Hoseok, doesn't Yoongi want kids?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, but he's still hesitant about it, cause you know we aren't married yet." Hoseok shrugged.

"And you haven't proposed to him yet because-" "Jin..." Jimin nudged the man.

"I don't know. The first year for married couples is always so hard, and I'm just scared of that I guess. I love him so much, but commitment is scary and that's how couples break up a lot. I don't wanna break up with him, ever." Hoseok reasoned.

"You should go for it. You two have been dating for nearly four years, you might as well be married." Jimin giggled quietly.

"I know my case is different, but if you love someone enough and they feel the same, commitment won't be an issue like you think it will. There will be ups and downs, trust me, it feels like I've been through it all with Jungkook, especially recently, but it's all worked out for us." The younger explained.

"You're right. I'm gonna think about it." Hoseok responded.

Jimin got Haneul a few clothing items as well as accessories. Her hair had grown longer quickly and her new favorite thing to wear was hair bows and other cute little hair clips. He also picked out some new toys for her as well.

"You guys are gonna come celebrate Haneul's birthday tomorrow too, right?" Jimin wondered as they exited out of the last store he would be shopping from to head to the food court for lunch.

"Of course, I can't believe she's already gonna be one." Jin pouted playfully.

"I know, I'm kinda sad she's growing up so quick." The younger admitted.

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