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Jimin woke up in a cold sweat around three o'clock in the morning. It was unsettlingly dark in the room, coughing as he swallowed because his throat was so dry.

Then the pain hit him so violently, he couldn't help but cry out in discomfort, starting to shake from how terrified he was.

"J-Jungkook!" He managed to get out, shaking the man with all the strength he could muster up. "Jungkook w-wake up!" He cried, getting agitated realizing how much of a heavy sleeper Jungkook was.

He tried to stand up, but his abdomen hurt so badly he had to lay back down. Jimin continued shaking Jungkook until the man started to wake up.

"Baby, why are you crying? What's wrong?" Jungkook croaked in his low morning voice, clearing his throat so his words would come out better.

"I think we n-need to go to the hospital, now." Jimin breathed out. "Wait, really? You think it's time?" Jungkook sat up quickly.

"It hurts so fucking much! Obviously it's time!" Jimin yelled. "O-Oh, okay." He quickly stood up, rushing around the room to retrieve their belongings.

Jungkook took their bags to the car first before coming back inside to get Jimin. He hastily made his was up the stairs and down the hall into their bedroom.

"It hurts so bad." Jimin cried softly. "Shhh, I know. It'll be over before you know it." Jungkook whispered as he brushed his fingers through his hair.

"I'll carry you to the car, okay?" He offered. "You can't carry me, I'm too heavy." Jimin peered up into his eyes. "No you aren't, I got you." Jungkook chuckled, scooping the boy up into his arms bridal style and carrying him downstairs.

He carefully sat him in the passenger seat, noticing his cries had slightly subsided.

"Does it still hurt?" Jungkook asked as he started the drive to the hospital. "It stopped, but it's gonna start hurting again soon." Jimin sighed.

"Shh, don't cry. It's gonna be okay." Jungkook took a hand off the steering wheel, resting it onto Jimin's lower thigh and rubbing it gently.


Jimin laid in the hospital bed teary-eyed because he'd have to endure the pain for almost the entire day before he could actually have their daughter.

His mother had arrived around 6:30 a.m., of course hating to see her son in so much pain.

"W-Where's dad?" Jimin mumbled. "He's got work. He said he'd go in early so he could here earlier later in the day." She answered. Jimin pouted a little, Jungkook gently stroking his cheek.

He looked over at him, smiling faintly as Jungkook pressed a kiss onto his forehead. Jimin's mother just watched the small interaction happily, grateful that Jungkook decided to stay with her son.

"Mom, what did you and dad do after I was born?" Jimin wondered. "Well..." She began with a smile.

"We took you back home, and my parents were there waiting so they could see you for the first time. You were asleep, of course, and wrapped up in your little blanket. You were so small and cute." Mrs. Park recalled.

"You still are small." Jungkook whispered, laughing at Jimin's offended expression. "Am not." He retorted.

"After my parents left, your father and I took you upstairs and laid you on our bed. We just sorta sat there and went 'Now what?'." The woman laughed.

"Now you're having your first kid. My little Jiminie is all grown up now." She smiled sadly. "Mom, you're gonna make me cry~" Jimin covered his face with the pillow as he started to tear up a little.

There was a knock on the door, the nurse entering and following behind was his father. That was enough to make Jimin break into tears again.

"Oh, why's he crying?" Mr. Park asked in a concerned tone. "He's just happy you're here. He thought you were coming later?" Mrs. Park tilted her head in confusion.

"Oh, my boss told me I didn't have to come in today because of Jimin, so I just went back home and changed before coming here." He explained.

"Jungkook." "Mr. Park." They both spoke at the same time whilst bowing. "H-Hi dad." Jimin mumbled. "Hey, little one, how are you feeling?" His father asked.

"Dad, I'm not a little kid anymore." Jimin frowned slightly. "Whatever you say, little one." The older man teased, ruffling Jimin's hair playfully.

Jungkook almost found himself feeling jealous of how Jimin's parents treated him so sweetly. He never got to have that sort of treatment from his own parents because they were never in the house when he was younger.

Jungkook knew he was going to give their daughter the best childhood she could have and be there for her whenever she needed, no matter what. Then the realization suddenly hit him.

He was really about to have a kid.

In just mere hours away he'd be holding a tiny little human in his arms that he helped create. The whole concept was starting to become incomprehensible for him.

"Jungkook?" Jimin snapped him back to his senses. "Y-Yeah?" Jungkook mumbled. "I called your name like eight times." "Twelve." Mrs. Park corrected.

"Whatever, are you okay?" Jimin murmured, reaching his hand over to hold Jungkook's. "Yeah, this is just really overwhelming for me, that's all." Jungkook answered.

"Aww, okay. You sure you're fine? I've never seen you look so anxious before." Jimin just wanted to be sure. Jungkook just nodded, but the boy could see the tears eager to leave his eyes.

"Jungkook, don't lie to me." He shook his head, the man letting the tears fall. "Nothing's wrong, I'm j-just really happy." Jungkook blinked a few times, quickly wiping the tears away from his face.

Jimin waved him closer, Jungkook moving the chair beside his bed a bit more so the smaller could hug him. "I'm really happy too, truly." Jimin whispered in his ear, Jungkook resting his head onto his shoulder.

Ever since he'd met Jimin, he'd never been this happy. Jungkook knew in his mind, there was no chance he'd ever let him go, ever.

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