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That day seemed to be going perfectly fine in the beginning. The two were back home and safe with Haneul, but something wasn't feeling quite right to Jungkook.

And he always trusted his intuition because later on that afternoon, the doorbell rang. Jungkook and Jimin both peered at each other oddly before Jimin handed Haneul to him.

"I'll go see." Jimin insisted, standing up and making his way towards the foyer. He peered through the window before opening the front door, unsure of who the person was that stood on the porch.

It was a petite, middle aged women and she was dressed quite sharply. Her hair was cut in an unbelievably even bob and her face looked almost too familiar as Jimin observed.

"Can I help you?" Jimin began. "Yes, is this Jungkook's home?" She asked. "Yes, may I ask who you are?" Jimin wondered.

"I'm Jungkook's mother." She answered, Jimin's eyes widening slightly, unable to create his next sentence.

He knew how much Jungkook didn't want to see his mother, especially not now, but he really had no choice.

"May I come inside, please?" She asked. "Umm, s-sure, but I don't think Jungkook would want to talk to you." Jimin warned. "He's going to have to speak to me." She retorted as Jimin led her to the living room.

As soon as Jungkook spared a glance at who'd shown up at his house so suddenly, his eyes widened with anger rather than shock.

"What are you doing here?" He uttered. "I told you I wanted to speak to you as soon as you got home." She crossed her arms. Jimin took Haneul from Jungkook, not wanting her to be in his hold whilst he was angry.

"I don't want to speak to you, I want you to leave." Jungkook shook his head. "I'm not leaving. I need to have a serious talk with you so we can clear things up. I don't want to go anymore years without speaking to my only child-"

"You should've thought about that before you just left me without explanation!" Jungkook rose his voice.

Jimin left the living room to leave the two alone, taking Haneul outside to the patio in the backyard so she wouldn't have to hear the two fight. He didn't care if she couldn't understand it, he just didn't want her to hear it.

"Do you even know how much I tried contacting you after you left?!" Jungkook was starting to become more sad than angry all over again. It was a never ending cycle that she'd caused.

"I'm sorry I ignored you, Jungkook. I really am, but if you'd just let me explain why I left...." She started as she sat on the opposite side of the couch.

"Sit down, please." His mother instructed. Hesitantly, Jungkook sat down, glaring at the women as she began to speak.

"Your father cheated on me, Jungkook." She confessed. Jungkook hated the sickening feeling that shot through his body at that single sentence. It felt like he was plummeting from the sky whilst being shot in the chest.

Probably the worst betrayal he could ever feel in his life.

"W-What?" He breathed out after he had a moment to process it. "I'm not going into detail, but I'd caught him with another women one night, while you were away with your friends." She began to explain.

"I decided to come home early from a night out with a few of our co-workers and I guess you can't put the rest together for yourself." The women let out a sigh.

"I felt so angry at father. He tried so hard to pretend it never happened and make things up but I couldn't get the image out of my mind. It was just so painful, so I left." She said.

"I wasn't even thinking in the moment. I packed as much as fast as I could and left. I didn't even want to look at him anymore. And I didn't even realize that you hadn't even had a clue what was going on." She started to tear up herself.

"It was very, very selfish of me to do that, and I'm sorry Jungkook. I guess your father never told you why I left either. I think it was a weird indirect agreement we didn't tell because of how hurt you'd be. But I didn't realize I was still hurting you by ignoring you after I was gone, I just couldn't face you because you reminded me too much of your father." She ended, tears rolling down her face.

"M-Mom?" Jungkook started, tears falling from his eyes as well. "I'm s-sorry." He started to break down, his mother moving closer to hug her son.

"I s-shouldn't have s-said some of those things t-to you." He sobbed, the women gently rubbing his back to calm him down. She wasn't nearly as emotional as he was at the moment, but she was glad things were finally resolved between them.

"It's okay, sweetie. I'm not going to hold that against you. You had every right to be angry at me." She nodded as she leaned away.

"Are you going to leave again?" Jungkook asked. "No, Jungkook, I moved back here." She started, a small smile appearing in her face.

"Why?" Jungkook asked, and his mother simply laughed quietly. He got a glimpse at her left hand and then glanced back at her in shock after he'd noticed she was wearing her wedding ring again.

"Your father and I are remarrying." She announced. "R-Really?! Are you sure you want to?" Jungkook was about to start crying all over again.

"Yes. While you were away, he and I contacted each other and spent enough time with each other to realize our faults, and we agreed it was better if we got back together." She smiled faintly, and so Jungkook broke into tears again.

Something he thought would never ever happen, was actually happening.

"We're going to have a ceremony sometime in the fall. You're obviously welcome to come." Mrs. Jeon said. "I'll be there." Jungkook nodded, wiping his tears away before hugging his mother again.

"I'm going to head out now. I'll be back tomorrow because I have yet to formally meet your husband and daughter." She smiled.

"Wow, I can't believe you're married. I wish I could've been there to see it." The women stood up, Jungkook leading her back to the front door.

"See ya tomorrow, I promise I'm not going anywhere." She smiled as she waved and headed to her car.

Jimin entered the house a couple of minutes later with Haneul, setting her down in her play pin before approaching Jungkook.

"How'd things go?" He asked, and just the thought of everything that had transpired made Jungkook break down for a third time within the span of thirty minutes.

"Shhh, don't cry. Is everything okay?" Jimin whispered as Jungkook hugged him tightly, the younger hugging him back just as tight.

"T-Things couldn't be better." He laughed through his tears. "Just know that I really love you, Jimin. And I'd never leave you and Haneul, no matter how rough things could get between us." He whispered.

"That's really sweet, but are you okay?" Jimin was concerned. "I'm okay." Jungkook murmured, slowly leaning away as Jimin cupped his cheeks and wiped away his tears with his thumbs.

"M'kay, I was just making sure." He said, leaning in to kiss his lips momentarily. "I really love you too." The boy responded gently to Jungkook's previous sentence.

And at that, Jungkook felt completely at ease. Nothing was weighing down on him anymore knowing that he finally had everything he wanted in life all at once.

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