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"I kinda don't wanna go home, I was enjoying it here so much." Jimin pouted as Jungkook packed the last of their belongings.

They'd be getting on a plane to head back to Seoul in a couple of hours. Though there was a bit of conflict, they two enjoyed themselves a lot whilst on their honeymoon.

Especially Jimin because he was glad to have more sensually intimate moments with Jungkook.

And yes, he definitely remembered everything this time.

Jimin sat on the bed, Jungkook joining beside him. They'd come back to the house he owned after another night at the hotel, spending the rest of their honeymoon as if they were back at home, only without a baby to worry about.

"Jungkook?" Jimin began, both of them turning to look at each other simultaneously. "Yes?" He answered, taking both of Jimin's hands in his own as he smiled contently.

"I'm really happy we got to spend this time with each other. Everything about it was just so nice and relaxing." Jimin murmured, his heart fluttering inside of his chest as he felt Jungkook's thumbs gently rubbing his palms as they held hands. It was such a comforting feeling.

"I'm really happy we did too. I'll bring you back sometime, I promise. And soon, one day we can bring Haneul along with us." Jungkook assured.

He let go of Jimin'a hands to carefully caress the smaller's face, leaning in and pressing a kiss onto his forehead before standing up.

"Ready to go?" He asked, and Jimin nodded, standing up to follow Jungkook down the stairs and out of the house.

It was still quite early in the morning, so Jungkook assumed Haneul would still be asleep by the time they got back home.

The plane ride back to Seoul was fairly relaxing and Jimin's favorite part about it was that he got to watch the pretty sunrise as they were landing.

"I'll make breakfast when we get home." Jungkook offered as the plane landed on the runway.

"You sure?" Jimin faced him, Jungkook nodding as he smiled. "Thanks, that's really nice of you." Jimin thanked him.

"Well, I wanna give you a break. I decided I was going to stay home with you and Hanuel for a couple weeks." Jungkook said.

"Really?! Your dad is okay with it?" Jimin's pouted slightly. "Yeah, he doesn't hate you, Jimin, remember?" The older chuckled as they retrieved their luggage.

Jungkook carried their belongings to his car, which the valet parking staff had gotten from the overnight parking lot.

They two got into the vehicle, heading to Jungkook's father's house to pick up Haneul.

"You think Haneul's still asleep?" Jungkook wondered. "I don't know, she doesn't usually wake up this early." Jimin responded.

Upon arriving at Mr. Jeon's house, Jimin and Jungkook both walked up to the door, the man ringing the doorbell.

Mr. Jeon opened the door and smiled warmly. "Welcome back, you two." He said, allowing them inside. "Haneul missed you guys a lot, I could tell." He chuckled quietly as he led the two upstairs to her guest room.

"Is she awake?" Jimin wondered. "Yeah, surprisingly, she woke up a couple minutes ago." Mr. Jeon answered.

They entered into the room, Haneul wide awake as she squirmed around in her spot. "Aww, come here~" Jungkook smiled happily as he picked the baby up in his arms, Haneul letting out little giggles as Jungkook gently kissed her cheek.

"Did you miss us, hmm?" He spoke softly, chuckling as she wiggled in his arms. "Yeah, she doesn't like to be held much since she learned how to crawl." His father pointed out.

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