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Jungkook gave Jimin a few hours to calm down before they both decided to get ready to head to the waterfalls. Jimin was ready first, quietly sitting on the bed as a few stray tears still made their way out.

He wasn't upset about earlier anymore, they were more tears of happiness. He was really grateful that he had Jungkook to be there for him, and remind him how perfect he is.

"Hey." He heard Jungkook approaching the bed. He tilted his head to look up at him slightly, the man offering a soft smile.

"Come here, why are you still crying?" Jungkook wondered as he helped Jimin up to his feet, pulling him into his arms. "I'm not." Jimin denied.

"Okay, I just- I'm just making sure you're okay." Jungkook said. "You ready to go?" He asked, and Jimin nodded.

They left the house, getting into the rental car before Jungkook began the drive to the waterfalls.

"I know we're staying at my summer home, but there's this hotel I really wanted to take you to." Jungkook began as he drove.

"Is it like the one we went to last time we were here?" Jimin wondered. "No, a different type of hotel." Jungkook faced him for a moment and winked. "Oh..." Jimin started to blush.

"It's really nice, you'll like it. And they have a spa. We can have a spa day, cause I know I seriously need one." Jungkook laughed after the last part.

"Trust me, I do too." Jimin laughed as well.


Once arrived at the park where the waterfalls were located, the two got out of the car, Jimin reaching his hand out to hold Jungkook's.

"It's so pretty out today." Jimin smiled as the sun beamed against his face, the younger taking in the beautiful scenery.

"Yeah, but you're prettier." Jungkook gave his hand a small squeeze. "You softie." Jimin giggled adorably.

The man's phone suddenly started to ring, Jungkook answering seeing it was his dad. "Hey, everything okay? Is Haneul okay?" He immediately assumed it was something bad.

"Oh yeah, she's fine. I just have some happy news for you." His father chuckled. "Well, what is it?" Jungkook wondered.

"She crawled on her own today." He announced. "Aww, really?!" Jungkook smiled widely. "Yes, I have a video, I'll send it to you. It's a shame you weren't here to see it on your own but I'm sure she'll be happy to crawl for you when you get back home." He said.

"Thanks dad." Jungkook thanked him before hanging up. "What is it?" Jimin asked. "Haneul crawled ion her own today! I told you she could do it." Jungkook spoke excitedly.

"I wish I could've seen it." Jimin smiled himself. "My dad sent a video, actually." Jungkook started, pulling up the video on his phone.

The both watched contently as the little girl laughed happily as she crawled across the carpeted living room of his parent's house.

"Aww, she's so precious." Jimin pouted slightly. "I know, I miss her so much." Jungkook said as he slid his phone back into his pocket.

As they reached the waterfalls, Jimin stood near the railing of the cliff where Jungkook took a few photos of him. The older smiled to himself happily as he took the photos, wishing he could express in word how pretty Jimin was.

"Let me check them to see which ones you should keep." Jimin suggested as he walked back over. "No, I wanna keep all of them." Jungkook shook his head.

"No, I blinked in the last one." The boy tried. "You look adorable, I'm keeping it." Jungkook said as he put his phone away once more, holding Jimin's smaller hand in his larger one as they walked along the path along the outside and underneath the waterfall.

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