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The two didn't talk much whilst eating their ice cream, simply watching Haneul as she attempted to eat as much of the ice lolly as she could before it began becoming a melty mess.

Jimin eventually took the half eaten ice lolly away from her, grabbing a few napkins while he was at it to wipe her face off.

"Was it good, hmm?" Jimin spoke to her softly, giggling quietly as she smiled widely.

Jungkook was unsure of what to say to him because he didn't want to say the wrong thing necessarily.

He simply smiled at the younger in hopes that he wasn't the reason Jimin seemed so down suddenly, but he didn't smile back like he usually did, which worried Jungkook.

They sat and enjoyed the nice weather a bit longer until Haneul began whining to be held. Jungkook picked her up to hold her, and within minutes, she'd fallen asleep.

"We should take her home now." Jimin mumbled, and Jungkook nodded.

Jimin gathered their belongings while Jungkook carried the little sleeping baby to the car, carefully setting her in her car seat and buckling her in before he got up front to begin the drive him.

It was very, very uncomfortably quiet in the car as Jungkook drove home. Jimin wouldn't even look at him.

"Can we talk about this when we get home?" Jungkook suddenly broke the silence.

"There's nothing to talk about." Jimin shrugged.

"Baby, I'm really worried. Did I do something to make you upset?" Jungkook asked, and that question alone started to make Jimin tear it up.

"Jimin?" The older glanced at him for a quick second.

Jimin swallowed the thick emotional lump in his throat before opening his mouth to speak.

"No, Jungkook, this has nothing to do with you, it's nothing." He tried.

"It obviously does. Why won't you talk to me about it. You know I'm here for you too. You let me talk with you about my feelings all the time, so why can't you talk to me, baby? I just wanna make sure you're doing okay." Jungkook rambled.

"And I hate to think that I unknowingly did something so hurtful to you that it's making you this upset." He concluded, and Jimin still didn't respond.

Once arrived home, they both went upstairs, Jungkook offering to lay Haneul down for a nap.

As soon as he left the room, Jimin broke down into tears, quickly wiping his face in case it didn't take long for Jungkook to get the baby situated in her crib.

"Get some rest, m'kay?" Jungkook whispered softly to Haneul, placing a little kiss on her head before laying her down in the crib.

He simply watched her for a few moments before leaving the room to head back his bedroom.

As soon as Jungkook entered the room, Jimin quickly stood up and rushed from the bed to the bathroom.

"Jimin?" He questioned as he quickly followed, but Jimin was able to shut the door and lock it.

Jungkook went to turn the knob, but he realized it was locked.

"Baby, please don't push me away. I just wanna know what's wrong so I can help you. Why won't you let me?" He negotiated.

"I c-can't." Jimin hiccuped, letting the tears go.

"Please Jimin, don't do this right now. You don't even have to talk to me right now, just let me hold you." Jungkook tried.

It was silent for a bit until Jungkook heard the door unlock, and the knob slowly turned. Jimin stepped out of the bathroom, the older immediately wrapping his arms around him for a well-needed hug.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay." Jungkook whispered as he guided him over to the bed, sitting Jimin down as he continued to cry.

He remained quiet, letting the boy cry into his chest as held onto him tightly, hoping that he had nothing to do with it.

Jungkook wouldn't know how to handle or deal with the guilt if it did.

"Are you comfortable with telling me, hmm?" Jungkook hummed softly.

"I'm s-sorry." Jimin cried.

"No, don't be-" "You d-don't g-get it?" Jimin stopped him.

The man gave him a slightly confused look before Jimin took in a breath before speaking.

"I know y-you apologized about what you'd said to me during our honeymoon and I said I forgave you and would forget about it, but I can't forget about that. It j-just hurts so much." He sobbed.

"The worlds k-keep playing in my head over and over. And I c-can't help to remember that you used to genuinely hate me before you loved me. You wanted absolutely nothing to do with me and I f-feel like even though you love me now, you still have hate for me somewhere inside." Jimin concluded, shaking as he cried heavily.

Jungkook had no idea what to think or say, because it wasn't true. All he felt was complete love for Jimin, he didn't hate the boy at all.

"No, Jimin that's not true." Jungkook shook his head.

"Then why would you say that to me? You could've said anything else in the moment..." Jimin cried.

"I was just so angry about my mom and I didn't want to talk about her at all, I promise it didn't mean anything." Jungkook tried.

"Then why didn't you just say that?" Jimin met eyes with him, and Jungkook could tell how hurt he must've been feeling in the moment.


"The thought had been there, something j-just had to get you there to say it out loud, right? Y-You still don't completely like the idea being with me, do you-"

"Jimin, stop?!" Jungkook let out, eyes welling up with tears of guilt and frustration. He was very confused on why Jimin would even come up with that conclusion.

"I don't hate you at all. I love you more than anything else in the world. Trust me, I deeply regret every day I wasted between us when we met hating you." He started.

"And quite honestly, I don't know why I ever said that to you. The whole conversation with my mother was still in my head when I came back in the room and somewhere in the moment, I forgot I was talking to you. I don't want you to think that was directed at you, because it wasn't." Jungkook explained.

"Come here." Jungkook reached for Jimin, the smaller hugging him once more as he started to cry again.

"I'm sorry I made you feel like this. I didn't mean to, at all. I love you, so much." Jungkook whispered as he held the boy in his arms tightly.

"I-I love you too, I really do." Jimin hiccuped.

"What can I do to make things up to you? I feel so terrible for hurting your feelings." Jungkook offered.

"I don't know." Jimin mumbled.

"How about I take you on a date tomorrow, hmm?" He suggested.

"Okay." Jimin agreed.

Jungkook really hoped the sudden situation wouldn't cause to much of a strain on their relationship.

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