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Fast forward a couple of more weeks and it was the first day of October. Today was a special day because Jimin and Jungkook finally got to find out the gender of their child.

Jungkook had woken up before Jimin, simply staring at the boy's adorable sleeping face. He smiled softly, leaning down and leaving a kiss on his cheek.

He climbed out of bed and exited the bedroom, going downstairs to make breakfast. Jungkook made something simple, strawberry pancakes because he knew Jimin really liked them.

When he finished making them, he went back upstairs to check on the younger to see if he was awake yet. He carefully opened the room door, peaking his head in and peering at the bed, Jimin's eyes half open as he slowly woke up.

He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, brushing his fingers through through Jimin's hair. "You sleep okay?" Jungkook asked softly and Jimin nodded. "I made breakfast. Strawberry pancakes, your favorite." He winked.

"You did?" Jimin murmured, his little pouty lips urging Jungkook to kiss him. "Yeah, today's a special day." He leaned down and pecked his lips. "Right." Jimin hummed. Jungkook helped the boy out of bed, holdimg his hand as they walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

They sat at the table and ate their food, Jimin humming happily as he enjoyed the pancakes. "Are you excited?" Jungkook asked. "Of course I am." Jimin chirped.

"What about you?" Jimin looked at Jungkook. "Yes, I'm excited too." Jungkook nodded.

After eating, Jimin began washing their dishes off, Jungkook walking up behind him and giving him a warm back hug. "You've been really clingy lately." Jimin took to notice. "Everything okay?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, I'm just..." Jungkook paused, placing his hands on Jimin's tummy. "Really happy I have you, that's all." Jungkook whispered, pressing a soft kiss on the side of his neck.

Jimin turned around to face him, eyes blurry with tears. "You are?" Jimin asked. "Aww, Jimin...are you about to cry?!" Jungkook panicked. "I c-can't help it." Jimin sniffled.

"Of course I'm happy, baby." Jungkook smiled to himself as he hugged the younger. "I love you so much, you know that?" He comforted him. "I can't imagine life without you at this point." Jungkook concluded.

"I love you too." Jimin murmured, looking up into his eyes. Jungkook pressed a little kiss on his lips and smiled contently, feeling his heart flutter with pure joy.

"Let's go get ready to leave, okay?" Jungkook suggested and Jimin nodded, the two heading upstairs.


After getting ready, they left the house and got into Jungkook's car, Jimin struggling for a few moments to find a comfortable way to sit.

The drive was fairly quiet, Jungkook mostly talking. "You feeling okay?" He asked after Jimin hadn't said anything almost the entire car ride. "Yeah, just a little tired." Jimin yawned.

When they arrived at the hospital, Jungkook helped Jimin out the car, walking through the entrance and checking in.

The took the elevator up to floor where Jimin's appointment would be and waited in the lobby until his name was called. They followed the nurse to a room, Jimin laying on the bed while Jungkook sat in the chair beside it.

His doctor entered the room a couple of minutes later, giving Jimin his usual checkup before they got to find out the gender.

"What are you two hoping for?" The lady asked as she placed the gel on Jimin's tummy and began moving the monitor around. "He wants a girl but I said it didn't really matter to me." Jimin answered.

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