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Jimin and Jungkook were finally going to visit his father's house so Jimin could meet his dad. He was obviously terrified of how Mr. Jeon would react to him.

"How would you feel if we spent a few nights there?" Jungkook wondered the night before. "Where's Haneul gonna sleep, silly?" Jimin laughed.

"What if I told you that's already taken care of." Jungkook said. "Umm, I don't mind." Jimin answered. "You sure?" Jungkook rose and eyebrow and Jimin nodded.

That next day, Jungkook carried their bags to the car, Jimin strapping Haneul's car seat in and making sure she was nice and secure.

"She looks just like you, it's crazy." Jungkook chuckled as he began the twenty-minute drive. "I don't really see it. I thinks it's really just her eyes." Jimin shrugged.

"You're nose too." Jungkook pointed out. "Her nose is too tiny to tell." The younger giggled. "Whatever, either way she's still adorable." He smiled to himself. "Remember when you said you didn't want kids, now listen to yourself." Jimin laughed.

"Don't remind me." Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully.

They arrived at Jungkook's father's mansion, Jimin's eyes widening a bit. "So is your whole family just like, really rich." He assumed. "Yep, pretty much." Jungkook chuckled as he reached out the window to type in the gate passcode.

He parked in front of the home, the two quieting their voices because Haneul was asleep. "Jungkook, I'm really scared." Jimin let out a shaky breath. "Don't be." Jungkook shook his head.

"Let's just go in, I'll come back and get our bags later." He said and Jimin nodded, carefully unstrapping Haneul's car seat from the car and carrying it up to the porch behind Jungkook.

He rang the doorbell, the two waiting a few seconds before the door swung open. "Hi dad." Jungkook greeted. "Hey, nice to see you outside of work for once." The older man chuckled as they both stepped inside.

Jungkook looked a lot like his dad, especially their smiles. He was a bit taller than Jungkook, had short black hair and his eyes crinkled at the corners a bit when he smiled, just like Jungkook.

"Dad, this is Jimin." Jungkook introduced him, the two meeting eyes. "Hi." Jimin mumbled, both of them bowing.

"Nice to meet you, finally. Jungkook never, and I mean never stops talking about you." He laughed. "Really?" Jimin nudged Jungkook's arm playfully.

"How couldn't I not, you're so special to me." Jungkook grinned, subtly wrapping an arm around his waist. "And this is..." Mr. Jeon was referring to the baby car seat in Jimin's hold.

"Haneul." Jungkook answered. "What a pretty name. Your mother is going to have a fit when she learns she has a granddaughter." The man laughed.

"She doesn't know?" Jimin turned to Jungkook. "I told you, I haven't spoken to her in years." Jungkook reminded. "Well, come on in a bit more, it's cold in the foyer." Mr. Jeon led them to the living room.

They sat down on the couch, Mr. Jeon lowering the volume on the tv to prevent waking Haneul up. "Wanna hold her?" Jungkook asked as he slowly scooped her up into his arms.

"Why sure!" His father smiled softly as Jungkook handed him the baby. "Wow, isn't she pretty." He complimented, Jimin smiling a little.

The boy was starting to think maybe he was overreacting thinking that Mr. Jeon completely hated him.

"I'm gonna go grab our things." Jungkook quickly whispered to Jimin before standing up. "I'll be back." He glanced at his father, who gave a small nod.

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