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It was a couple of weeks into summer now and Jimin had been feeling icky for a few days. There was a stomach bug going around at university a while ago, but Jimin doesn't know why he just now caught it. It actually wasn't the stomach bug, but Jimin didn't know that yet.

Right now, he was laying in bed while all of his friends were over to check up on him and help take care of him because the boy couldn't function when he felt sick.

"How did you even manage to get sick, it's summer?" Hoseok asked as he handed Jimin a glass of ginger ale to calm his stomach. "I dunno." Jimin murmured.

"You haven't talked about Jungkook in nearly two weeks, you two just stop talking?" Jin asked. "I guess so. I'm trying to let go of him because he clearly wants nothing to do with me." Jimin laughed bitterly.

"Aww, it's gonna be alright. Just try talking to him one more time before you completely give up." Namjoon suggested. "I guess." Jimin shrugged. "When did you start feeling sick like this?" Yoongi asked. "A couple of days ago." Jimin murmured, pulling his comforter over his body more.

"If it gets any worse, I think you should go the hospital. I know some people who caught that stomach bug and said they had to go to the hospital to get treated properly." Jin said.

"I probably will tomorrow, I'm too exhausted to go today." Jimin sighed. He looked at the clock, blinking a few times because he couldn't believe it was already 6:00 p.m.

He'd been in bed most of the day but time really went by that quick. "Yoongi and I are gonna get going, okay?" Hoseok said and Jimin nodded. "Thanks for coming by." He smiled softly as they left.

"Jimin?" Jin said quietly. "Hmm?" Jimin hummed. "How long has it been since you slept with Jungkook?" Jin asked. "Almost three weeks probably, why?" Jimin asked.

"Did you two use protection?" Jin asked. Jimin's heart dropped for a moment. "N-No, I don't remember him using any." Jimin murmured. "Jimin, you don't think you could be-" "No, that's not possible." Jimin shook his head in disbelief.

"You can't get pregnant not using protection once." Jimin tried to come up with an excuse. "Jimin, you can..." Jin said. "You should take a test." Jin said. "No, I know I'm not pregnant. It's just a stomach bug." Jimin said.

"You've only been throwing up in the morning, Jimin. You're probably pregnant." Namjoon said. "No, I'm not. I refuse to believe I am." Jimin shook his head, his heart racing at the thought.

"I have some tests at my place, I could bring you one." Jin said. "Why do you have them?" Jimin asked. "Uhhh, pregnancy scares happen, y'know." Jin said, him and Namjoon laughing a little.

"You need to take one now, it's better to find out now than wait too long." Jin suggested. "I don't want to." Jimin began tearing up. "I know, but you do, okay?" Jin said.

Namjoon had left Jimin's apartment to go get the test from their apartment, Jin staying with Jimin. "If I a-am, Jungkook is g-gonna hate me." Jimin began crying. "Shhh, you never know what might happen, okay?" Jin comforted him.

Once Namjoon came back, Jimin got the energy to get up, his hands slightly shaking out of fear as he eyed the box of pregnancy test. Namjoon handed it to Jimin, the smaller hesitating to get up.

"We'll be waiting right here if you need us." Jin said as Jimin entered the bathroom. "I can't be." He whispered to himself as he took one out the box.

After using the bathroom, he set the test on the counter top and faced the opposite way as waited, his heart pounding and eyes tearing up. I can't be, I can't be, I can't be, I can't- The test beeped.

Jimin gulped, closing his eyes as he slowly turned around to face a harsh reality. His eyes fluttered open as he looked down at the counter, picking the little test up and observing the results.

"What the fuck-" Jimin breathed out as tears fell like a waterfall. Positive. It read. He didn't want to leave the bathroom, sliding down the and sitting on the cold, hard floor as he just cried.

That's all the boy felt he could do right now because the situation was too mentally and emotionally overwhelming for him to handle.

He heard a knock on the door. "Is everything okay?" Jin asked but there was not a response. Jin opened the door and gasped quietly seeing Jimin on the ground.

He knelt down to the boy's level and took the test from his hand. "Oh, Jimin..." Jin mumbled before hugging him. "It's going to be okay, I promise. We'll be here to help you if Jungkook doesn't, but you do need to tell him. It's his child too." Jin said.

"I c-can't, Jin this c-can't be happening-" Jimin hiccuped. "I know, but it's going to be okay, I promise." Jin assured. "Do you want to go to the doctors office to confirm it?" Jin asked and Jimin nodded, wiping the tears but they kept coming.

"Can I be alone for the rest of the evening?" Jimin asked. Jin have him a sad smile. "Yeah, we'll go. Please contact us if you need anything, alright?" Jin said and Jimin nodded.

Namjoon and Jin left, leaving Jimin to cry alone. He was in so much shock he felt like he couldn't even move. He picked up his phone and stared at Jungkook's contact for nearly five minutes before deciding to say something.

Jimin: Hey, can I please meet up with you to talk about something?
Jungkook❤️: What the fuck?
Jungkook❤️: No. I thought I fucking told you not to contact me again.
Jimin: But it's serious.
(This contact has blocked your number)

Jimin stared at the little automated message before breaking into tears again. He had no idea how he was going to raise a child alone at a fairly young age and then have to tell that child once they grow up why their father is not in their life at all.

It was too overwhelming for Jimin to even think about so the boy ended up going to sleep for the night, too upset to make dinner. He wished he could go back into time so this could've never happened to him.

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