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A couple of more weeks had passed from there and it July now. Jimin was already into his second month but didn't like how time was going by so fast. He knew once their child was born Jungkook was just going to leave him alone after.

But that wasn't Jungkook's plan at all and Jimin didn't really know that yet.

The weeks were very uneventful but Jimin did end up becoming a little closer with Jungkook. Jungkook would visit him everyday to check on him and see if he was doing alright and would take him out places at least twice a week.

They got to know each other a lot better during the time but Jimin just wished their current relationship could possibly blossom to something more than just 'friends' or whatever their relationship seemed to be now.

Jimin was currently working at the café, not too much in a great mood at the moment. "Jimin, you should come with Yoongi and I to go bowling." Hoseok suggested.

"No thanks." Jimin murmured as he turned to face the blender to make a frappuccino. "Why? It'll be fun and you've been home a lot lately. You need to get out more." Hoseok said.

"I am out right now." Jimin shot back. "We just miss hanging out with you." Yoongi said. Jimin sighed as he poured the customer's drink in their cup, pouring a bit of whipped cream before placing the cap on and handing it to them.

He went back to the counter to take the next person's order but stopped in his tracks noticing it was Jungkook. He smiled softly, Jimin giving a small smile back as he blushed.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked. "I wanted to visit you, am I not allowed to?" Jungkook asked. "No, you can." Jimin giggled. He made Jungkook's usual, a caramel macchiato, before handing it to him.

"Can we talk for a little bit?" Jungkook asked. "Um, I can't right now-" "Go on, we have it covered." Hoseok grinned, Yoongi waving him away. Jimin thanked the two before following Jungkook over to a table and sitting across from him.

"Have you been doing okay? Hmm?" Jungkook asked as he took a sip. "Yeah." Jimin murmured. "Did you put extra caramel in this?" Jungkook asked. "Well, y-yeah. You said you like a little extra in it." Jimin smiled softly.

"Aww, you remembered." Jungkook smiled back. "Hold on, I'll be right back." Jungkook stood up and walked over to the counter.

"I have a question?" Jungkook asked Hoseok and Yoongi. "What?" Hoseok said. "What's Jimin's favorite animal?" Jungkook wondered. "He likes cats." Yoongi said. "What about his favorite color?" Jungkook asked.

"Shouldn't you know? You've been hanging around him for the past few weeks." Hoseok chuckled. "I d-don't." Jungkook admitted sheepishly, a small blush on his cheeks.

Jimin looked over and saw the three talking, Hoseok and Yoongi looking at him every so often as they talked. He assumed it was about him.

"He likes pink. Specifically pastel." Hoseok nodded. "Okay, thanks." Jungkook said. "Why'd you need to know?" Yoongi asked. "I w-wanted to surprise him with a small gift later. He deserves it." Jungkook nodded.

"Awww, that's so sweet." Hoseok gushed. "Do Jimin?" He asked and Jungkook's face quickly reddened. "No." He shook his head. "Please don't keep lying to yourself." Yoongi said.

"Trust me, I tried it but me and Hoseok here have been together for three years now. Could've been longer but I kept lying to myself." Yoongi said.

"You're right, I shouldn't be. Jimin's so sweet and adorable. I still feel so terrible about what I did to him and I just want to make it up." Jungkook shrugged.

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