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4 months later....

The prior months weren't too eventful at all. Jungkook did start going back to work but his father didn't force him to work full time, therefore he got to spend half the week at home all day with Jimin and Haneul.

When he was at work, he was only there for half of the day so he wasn't gone for too long. Jimin was obviously ecstatic about this because he'd get to spend more time with him than before.

"Haneul, can you say 'dada'?" Jungkook asked softly as he fed the baby her breakfast, apple sauce.

"She can't speak yet." Jimin giggled as he watched Jungkook cutely interact with her. "Say 'dada'." He tried again. "Ah!" She let out with a little smile. "Aww, close enough." The man grinned.

She finished her last bite of apple sauce, Jungkook carefully wiping Haneul's face off before picking her up into his arms and giving the little one her bottle of milk.

"I'll get her to say it one day." He assured. "Don't be so eager for her to grow up. You're gonna regret it." Jimin warned. "I'm not, I want her to stay this little forever. She's so precious." Jungkook gazed at her contently.

All was well that day so far, until Jungkook's phone started to ring.

"Can you grab that for me." He asked Jimin, the younger nodding as he stood up from the table and retrieved Jungkook's phone from the counter.

"Jungkook, I think maybe you should take this call." Jimin suggested. He handed Haneul to Jimin before taking his phone, eyes widening at the caller ID.

"I can't talk to her." He shook his head. "Jungkook, I think you should." Jimin said. He sighed before answering, leaving out of the kitchen to speak with his mother on the phone by himself.

Jimin looked down at Haneul, the baby pouting slightly. "Don't be upset. Dada is okay, I promise. Things just haven't been that great with his mother." He spoke quietly to the baby, sitting back down at the table while she continued to drink her milk.

"But you don't have to worry about that because Jungkook and I love you very much, and we'll always be here to take care of you." Jimin promised.

He waited for a while until Jungkook came back into the kitchen, and it was clear he'd been crying.

"What'd she say?" Jimin asked out of curiosity. "She just apologized and asked how I was doing. She still doesn't know about you or Haneul because I seriously can't explain that over the phone." Jungkook said.

"That's all?" Jimin wondered and Jungkook nodded. "Does she know about the wedding at all?" He continued to ask questions.

"No, I decided not to tell her that stuff. She still sounded like she didn't want to be talking to me in the first place. But it was nice to hear her voice again I guess." Jungkook sighed.

Haneul cooed quietly, eagerly reaching her arms out for Jungkook. "I think she wants you to hold her." Jimin giggled, handing the baby over to him.

"Aww, come here." He held her close. "I feel like she can sense when you're upset." Jimin noticed. "Well, she's good at helping me feel better." The man smiled.

Jimin's phone then began ringing, the boy answering seeing that it was Namjoon.

"Hey, what's up?" He answered. "Jimin, I really need your help with something." Namjoon began. "Sure, what do you need help with?" Jimin asked.

"Well, tomorrow is me and Jin's dating anniversary and I really want to make it special for him since we've been dating for a while now." He said. "How so." Jimin asked.

"I want to ask him to marry me." Namjoon smiled to himself. "Oh my gosh, really?!" Jimin squealed. "Yeah. I really love him and he's already expressed a few times that he wanted to marry me eventually. So, I think tomorrow would a be a good day to do it." Namjoon said.

"I already bought the ring, I just need you to keep Jin distracted while I go get it tomorrow. He's really nosy, especially since our anniversary is tomorrow and if I disappear he'll definitely know what's up." He explained.

"Sure I'll help, don't worry about it." Jimin assured. "Where are you asking him?" He asked. "Just at the park, by the waterfront. It's where we had our first date." Namjoon answered.

"Aww, that's so sweet. I'm really happy for you. Call me later so we can go over more details." Jimin said. "Alright, thanks Jimin!" Namjoon thanked him before hanging up.

"What?" Jungkook asked. "Namjoon's finally proposing to Jin. They've been dating for nearly four years now." Jimin smiled. "Well that's nice." He responded. "Yeah, I have to help Namjoon out tomorrow though and keep Jin distracted while he go gets the ring. I'm excited for him." Jimin said.


Later that afternoon, Jimin laid Haneul down for her nap, smiling softly at her adorable sleeping face. He couldn't believe she was already four months old.

He exited her room, heading to their bedroom where Jungkook was laying in the bed, eyes fixated on the tv as he watched a movie.

Jimin sat beside him, snuggling close to the older as he swung his arms around him.

"We're getting married next month, aren't you excited." Jimin mumbled. "Of course I am." Jungkook responded. "You sent out those invitations, right?" He wondered.

"Yes, I sent those a while ago." Jimin nodded. "Do you know if your dad is coming?" He wondered. "He said he's taking that day off, thank goodness. I'd be really upset if he didn't come." Jungkook said.

"You think maybe if you told your mom, she'd come?" Jimin asked. "No, definitely not. She doesn't care about me anymore so I'm not really gonna care about her anymore." Jungkook concluded.

"Oh, okay then." Jimin murmured. "Sorry, I just really don't want to talk about her right now." He apologized. "It's alright, I completely understand." Jimin nodded.

"I'm just happy at least one my parents will be there for me." Jungkook sighed.

Little did he know he was in for quite the surprise.

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