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"Do you wanna spend the night? It's getting late." Jungkook asked as they finished watching their second movie. It was almost 12:00 a.m. and Jimin was half-sleep, cuddled up against Jungkook as the man had his arms wrapped around him.

"Yea..." Jimin murmured, barely audible. Jungkook turned off the tv and stood up. Jimin was about to get up but Jungkook stopped him. "I'll carry you." Jungkook smiled. "I'm too heavy." Jimin whispered.

Jungkook proved him wrong, carrying the younger bridal style up the stairs like he weighed nothing. "I work out, a lot." Jungkook chuckle once he reached the top and walked down the hall to his bedroom.

He entered and laid Jimin on the large bed. "I'll be back." He said before walking over to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Jimin sighed happily, grateful that things were going in the direction he wanted. Though they weren't officially together yet, he knew it was happening soon which made him excited.

Jungkook exited the bathroom after a few minutes and turned out the light, leaving a small lamp on. He crawled into bed next to Jimin, the younger moving closer towards him.

Jimin smiled to himself, his eyes droopy as he began drifting off slowly again. "Hey Jimin?" Jungkook whispered. "Hmm?" Jimin hummed.

The man was quiet for a while, trying to find the right words to say. "What?" Jimin murmured. "Nothing. I'm just happy." Jungkook, gently rubbing Jimin's tummy. Jimin smiled at the touch, a bit surprised Jungkook's views about having kids had changed that quickly because of him.

They were quiet for a while, Jimin eventually falling asleep.

"Jimin?" Jungkook whispered after a while but didn't get a response. Carefully, he turned the boy to face him and held him close. "I've only known you for a month but I already love you." Jungkook sighed and laughed quietly to himself.

"You're just so perfect. Everything about you is perfect." He continued, caressing the smaller's cheek with a hand and gently stroking it with his thumb.

"I still feel horrible for saying those things to you a while ago. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I guess I was just...confused? I don't know. I just wasn't in the right mindset I guess." Jungkook smiled softly as he observed Jimin's cute sleeping face.

"You're so precious and I want to do anything I can to make it up to you. I'll be here for you whenever you need me." Jungkook went on, barely noticing that he had tears in his eyes.

"And I'll be here for our baby too, I promise." He said, feeling a few tears fall. "I love you, just please wait for me, okay?" Jungkook concluded, moving the hair away from Jimin's forehead and planting a gentle kiss on it.

For the first time, Jungkook was finally getting to experience something he'd wanted to forever, falling in love. And he knew it was with the right person too.

He didn't plan on letting Jimin go at all.


The next morning, Jimin woke up feeling well-rested for once. His eyes fluttered open and immediately met gazes with Jungkook, who smiled contently.

"Jung-" Jimin couldn't even finish the word because Jungkook's lips were against his. He hesitantly kissed back, Jungkook pulling away after a moment. Jimin blushed madly at the little interaction.

"Good morning." Jungkook said quietly. Jimin blinked a few times, still taken aback from the small kiss. "H-Hi." He managed to get out and Jungkook just laughed.

"Um, I have a doctors appointment today." Jimin said. "I'll take you." Jungkook immediately offered. "Okay, it's at ten." Jimin said. Jungkook just nodded, continuing to peer into Jimin's eyes.

"Y-You're staring." Jimin said. "I know." Jungkook answered. That made Jimin a little tingly inside. "You're just so cute." Jungkook said. "What happened to 'not wanting to be in a relationship right now'? You're sure acting like we're in one." Jimin asked.

"Am I not allowed to show you affection? If we're going to be together soon, I can't just not be affectionate towards you." Jungkook panned. "I g-guess you're right, sorry." Jimin hummed.

"It's okay." Jungkook replied. "We should get up now if you don't want to be late. You can borrow my clothes for right now." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.

They took turns taking showers before Jungkook loaned Jimin an excessively oversized striped long sleeve and a pair of jeans. Today was a bit of a cooler day despite it being the hottest month of summer right now.

Jimin decided to wear the bracelet Jungkook had given him too. He followed the man downstairs and into the kitchen. "Do you wanna eat some breakfast? You're not feeling sick right now, are you?" Jungkook was making sure.

"No, I'm feeling okay. I'll eat something." Jimin said. "What do you want to eat? I have a ton of stuff." Jungkook asked. "Do you have yogurt?" Jimin asked cutely.

"Of course I do. I have strawberry and peach, which one do you want?" Jungkook offered. "Peach." Jimin smiled a bit. Jungkook grabbed the yogurt cup and a spoon for Jimin, handing it to him.

Jungkook ended up having a muffin. After eating, they left Jungkook's house to go to Jimin's doctor's appointment. They got into the car and Jungkook drove off.

"You're wearing the bracelet." Jungkook observed and Jimin nodded. "Do you want to go somewhere after your appointment?" Jungkook asked. "I don't know." Jimin mumbled.

"We could go get ice cream or something." Jungkook suggested. He glanced over at Jimin. "What's the matter?" Jungkook questioned. "I don't wanna talk about it right now. I feel like I've said it too much." Jimin said.

"Well, tell me when we get back to my place, okay?" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.


After Jimin's appointment, the two did end up going to get ice cream because Jimin agreed to it.

They entered the shop, Jimin observing all the flavors before deciding on just plain vanilla. "What do you want?" Jungkook asked. "Just vanilla." Jimin murmured. "No toppings or anything?" Jungkook rose a brow and Jimin shook his head.

Jungkook got their ice cream and paid for it before leading them to a table. They sat down, Jimin taking a small bite of his. "Are you feeling sick or something?" Jungkook questioned. "No. I'm just not that hungry." Jimin said.

Jungkook frowned a little. He didn't know why Jimin seemed so down all of a sudden.

When they got back to Jungkook's house, Jimin was about to walk into the living room when Jungkook stopped him.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He grabbed the younger's wrist. "I dunno, I just feel guilty that this is happening and I know you didn't want it to happen either and the whole situation is just stressful because I'm still young and-"

"Hey, don't worry about it, Jimin." Jungkook swung his arms around his waist. "I'm starting to get used to it now so you shouldn't feel bad at all, okay?" Jungkook said, Jimin getting teary-eyed.

"Aww, it's gonna be okay." He hugged him, Jimin wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck. "Don't cry, Jimin. I got you." Jungkook whispered. "We'll get through this, alright?" Jungkook looked him in the eyes and Jimin nodded.

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