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"Have you seen Taehyung? He said he'd be back so we could all go to the venue together, but he's not here." Jimin panicked a little as he got his makeup done.

"I'm sure he'll be back any minute." Jin tried to calm him down. "I can't do this without my best friend here." The boy frowned. "I was like that when I got married to your father." Mrs. Park laughed as she dabbed a bit of blush onto Jimin's cheeks to finish his light layer of makeup.

Yoongi suddenly got a text, rushing out of the room and coming back with an envelope. "Taehyung left this here for you to read." Yoongi said.

Jimin took the envelope, sauntering over to his bed to sit down and read it.

Dear Jiminie,

Well, it's your wedding day. I'm so happy for you in general, but I can't keep pretending I'm happy it's happening. You've been my best friend for so long, and when I had to leave a while ago to go take care of my grandmother, I never had a chance to to tell you how I felt because when I returned, you'd fallen in love with someone else. I thought maybe he'd just be a fling until I learned you were pregnant too, and I realized you were definitely never leaving his side, and he wasn't going to leave yours either.

Jimin had started to cry at that point in the letter, thinking about how terrible he must've made Taehyung feel by talking up how happy he was with Jungkook when he didn't even realize Taehyung was in love with him the entire time.

By the time you're reading this I've already took a flight to move far, far away from Seoul. And I'm never coming back. Sorry to leave so abruptly without saying goodbye, but I couldn't bring myself to see you on a day where you're promising to be by someone else's side forever. I wouldn't be able to stand it. I've changed my phone number, so there's no way of contacting me either. Don't try and look for me at all. It's for the best. If only I would've told you before I left you years ago, I wouldn't have had to worry about a day like this. But, I must tell you this to clear things away, and maybe it'll be one step closer to getting over you. I love you, Park Jimin. I've been in love with you for the longest time, and frankly, I was sure you felt the same before I left in high school. But I was so stupid and afraid that I didn't have the courage to tell you. I wanted you to be the one by my side forever, and to hold you in my arms, and tell you how much I love you and care about you, but that'll merely be a figment of my imagination now. Truth is, despite how heartbroken I've become, my last wish ever was to see you happy, didn't matter how. And you are. You're getting married to the man you love the most, and I couldn't be more happy than to see you happy. I love you, Jimin. I've always loved you, and I'll never stop loving you until the day I die. I know that soon I'll be nothing but a mere lost memory of yours, but please never lose that stupid, pretty smile of yours, and stay happy for me, okay?
-Love, Kim Taehyung

Jimin almost didn't notice the loud knocking on his bedroom door over his sobs, his fingers tightly gripping the letter as his tears spilled onto them. "Jimin, what's going on?!" Jin kept knocking.

He abruptly entered the bedroom along with Yoongi and his mother, the three of them starting to panic. "Jimin-" "I c-can't do this!" He sobbed.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi let out. "C-Call it off, call e-everything off! I c-can't get married." He cried heavily as he removed the engagement ring from his finger, Jin's eyes widening as he reached for it and grabbed his arms tightly just before Jimin could toss it away.

"Jimin, please it's okay-" "N-No! No it's n-not! Leave m-me alone!" He chocked out in an attempt to push Jin away from him.

"What's in the letter, let me see the letter." Yoongi tried. "Y-You can't." Jimin shook his head as he crumpled it into a ball. "Um, Jungkook is calling." Mrs. Park held up Jimin's phone.

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