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About a week had passed since they'd come home from their trip. Jimin was headed off to work today, planning to go to the mall after work to buy Jungkook a gift because his birthday was tomorrow.

When Jimin arrived at the café, Hoseok and Yoongi both greeted him warmly, happy to see the boy after a couple of weeks. "How was your trip?" Hoseok asked as Jimin sauntered around the counter to grab his apron.

"It was really nice. Jungkook made it very special for me." Jimin smiled cutely. "I wish Hoseok would take me on a trip." Yoongi murmured quietly, Hoseok grinning as he swung his arms around the man's waist.

"Of course I will, babe." Hoseok smiled contently. "Whatever, thanks." He murmured, playfully shoving Hoseok off of him.

"Isn't his birthday tomorrow?" Yoongi asked and Jimin nodded. "I have to go get him a gift after work." Jimin said. "But that's really late at night, you sure you just don't want to get it in the morning or something?" Hoseok questioned.

"No, it'll be okay. I'm not staying at his place tonight anyways." Jimin shrugged. "You haven't agreed moved in with him yet?" Hoseok rose a brow. "That's one of his birthday presents, shhhh." Jimin smirked as he placed his index finger on his lips.

"Aww, that's sweet." Hoseok smiled, Jimin nodding a little


The day went on, Jimin already bored of doing pretty much nothing since today was strangely non-busy. He picked up his phone and tapped a game in hopes of having a little bit of entertainment but he quickly became bored of that too.

He heard the bell above the front door ring and looked up, surprised to see Jungkook strolling up to the counter. He flashed a smile, Jimin smiling back. "Don't you have to be at work right now?" Jimin asked.

"Lunch break." Jungkook reminded. "Do you mind if I steal Jimin for a little bit?" Jungkook asked Hoseok and Yoongi. "Oh sure, go on. The shop isn't busy today anyways." Hoseok waved Jimin away.

Jungkook bought a bagel sandwich and a lemonade before having Jimin follow him to his usual spot near the window. They sat down, Jungkook taking a small bite from the sandwich.

"Did you eat already?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded.

"So I was thinking tomorrow for my birthday, we could just go out to dinner. I don't want to do too much because I know you get tired easily. After we could go back to my place and have a movie night or binge watch a show. I can buy cookies to bake and decorate too." Jungkook explained.

"Does that sound good?" He asked. "Well, it's your birthday. I don't want to have too much of a say of what you should do." Jimin laughed softly.

"I just wanna make sure you're okay with the plan, that's all." Jungkook said, reaching his hand over the table to hold Jimin's. "You're so sweet." Jimin mumbled.

"They're so cute together~" Hoseok awed. "I still think he's got a lot to do to to make up for what he did to him before they got together." Yoongi frowned a little.

"Oh please, he's done quite enough already. I don't think he'd ever plan on hurting Jimin like that again." Hoseok suggested.

"Your optimism is paining me." Yoongi grumbled. "You never wanna see the good side in things." Hoseok flicked Yoongi's forehead, the man reaching over and pinching Hoseok's arm.

"Ouch!" Hoseok pouted. "I'm sorry, baby, you were just being annoying." Yoongi laughed. "Whatever." Hoseok smiled to himself.

Jimin and Jungkook chatted while the older ate his lunch. Before Jimin knew it, he had to leave. "You're coming over later on when you get off of work, right?" Jungkook asked as they stood up.

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