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"Jimin, my mom doesn't hate you. This is different than what is was meeting my dad." Jungkook chuckled as he followed the younger around the house as he frantically made sure everything was neat and tidy.

Jungkook's mother would be over in about ten minutes for brunch, which Jimin had carefully prepared. He cooked hotteok, Jungkook's favorite and was apparently his mother's favorite too, with a side of bacon, scrambled eggs and a few fruits.

Jungkook carried Haneul around as he followed Jimin, the baby letting out adorable little giggles each time Jimin abruptly changed direction and rushed past them.

"Don't laugh at me." Jimin laughed as well as Haneul continued to laugh. "I don't know what she finds funny." Jungkook chuckled.

"Here, you carry her, okay?" Jungkook said as the doorbell rang, indicating that his mother had arrived.

They both stood in the foyer at the front door, Jungkook answering with a pleasing smile.

"Hello, mom." He greeted as he waved her inside the house, closing the door after she entered.

"Hi sweetie!" She smiled happily upon seeing Jungkook.

"I know you two met briefly yesterday, but this is my husband, Jimin." Jungkook turned to him, nodding slightly as to reassure the boy he had nothing to be nervous about.

"Hello." Jimin bowed slightly.

"Ah, so nice to properly meet you. Thank you for making my son so happy." She smiled.

"And this is our daughter, Haneul." Jungkook pointed to the baby, who still had a smile present on her face.

"Aww, she's so precious, and she looks just like you, Jungkook." The women placed a hand on her chest as she awes quietly.

"Would you like to hold her?" Jimin offered sweetly.

"Oh, of course I would." Ms. Jeon agreed excitedly as Jimin handed the baby over to her.

"Wow, she's so pretty." She pointed out as they headed down the hall to the kitchen.

"She gets that from Jimin" Jungkook chuckled, peering at his husband in adoration as he shook his head out of embarrassment.

Haneul reached her hand up towards Ms. Jeon's face, tapping it against her cheek as they both laughed.

"You know, Jungkook, you did this same thing as a baby." His mother said as Haneul continued to tap her cheek and giggle adorably every few seconds.

"Not surprised." Jungkook chuckled. "Well, Jimin made all the food so thank him. He woke up extra early because he wanted everything to be nice." He glanced at Jimin, who's face had remained a light hue of rosy pink.

"Well, thank you very much." Ms. Jeon smiled at him.

The three of them fixed their plates of food, Jimin brining Haneul's high chair over to where they were sitting at the island counter to feed her whilst they ate and conversed.

As Jimin talked with Jungkook's mother, he became more and more open, and a lot less nervous. Jungkook was right, meeting her was obviously not the same as meeting his dad. She loved Jimin from the start.

Though, she was a bit disappointed in Jungkook when they both explained how they got together and ended up with Haneul in the first place.

But nonetheless, she was happy for her son and that he was married to someone she could tell that he really loved and cared about.

"Ah, Jungkook I'm so glad you're married to him. Jimin is such a wonderful person." She smiled at the both of them.

"I'm really glad too." Jungkook nodded, carefully snaking an arm around Jimin's waist.

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