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"You sure you'll be able to look after her for a week? Don't you have to go into work at the office?" Jungkook wondered as he spoke to his father on the phone.

They needed someone to babysit Haneul while they were gone for their honeymoon and he was the first to agree.

"No, it's okay. I'll have my assistant cover for me. I'm trying my best to make things up and be there for you." The older man responded.

"Thanks, dad. That's really kind of you." Jungkook smiled faintly. "I'll let you know when to come get her. We leave in a couple of days from now." He said. "Alright, sounds good." Mr. Jeon answered before they both hung up.

"You're just like your dad." Jimin pointed out. "How so?" Jungkook rose an eyebrow, giving the younger and questioning look.

"You both hated the idea of me having a baby at first and now you're both attached to her." He laughed. "Oh, true..." The man nodded.

"Da!" They both turned to Haneul, who was laying on the carpet beside them, and smiled softly. They were seated on the carpet in the living room for 'tummy time', in which they helped the little one practice attempting to crawl.

"I'm not attached." Jungkook retorted. "You definitely are. It's not a bad thing though. I rather have you attached to her than not wanting be around her." He said.

"Come here, bun~" Jungkook cooed as he laid down and picked Haneul up, holding her in the air to recreate the feeling of flying.

She began laughing hysterically, making Jungkook laugh too. "Please don't drop her." Jimin worried. "I'm not, I do this with her all the time." He continued to laugh, lifting her up and down to get a few adorable giggles out of her.

"She's going to spit up on your face if you keeping doing that. She just had her bottle." The younger reminded. "No she won't, don't jinx it." Jungkook stopped moving Haneul around so much, sitting up and holding the baby up to his eye level.

"Were you going to spit up on me, hmm? You've done it before so I wouldn't be surprised." He frowned playfully, the little one letting out a laugh as she reached her arms for Jungkook's face.

"Yeah, I thought so." Jungkook chuckled as he set Haneul down back onto the carpet. She rolled onto her tummy in an attempt to try and lift herself up to crawl, but sadly failed.

"Come on, sweetie, you can do it." Jimin pouted a little as he watched her struggle, carefully lifting the baby up slightly to her hands and knees.

Haneul whined quietly as she went back to laying on her tummy before rolling onto her back. "She'll start crawling soon, I'm sure of it." Jungkook nodded.

He peered over at Jimin, smiling softly as they met eyes. Jungkook laid Haneul on her play mat before standing up, holding his hand out for Jimin to grab so he could stand up as well.

Before Jimin could walk away to go sit on the couch, Jungkook grasped his hand a bit tighter and pulled him close, swinging his arms around the smaller's torso.

"What?" Jimin giggled after a couple seconds of Jungkook just contently staring into his eyes. "Nothing." He murmured before hugging him, letting out a low sigh.

"You okay?" Jimin wanted to be sure. "I'm okay, baby. Noting's wrong. I'm just really happy, that's all." The man answered truthfully, Jimin smiling to himself as he hugged back.

"You think Haneul will be okay while we're gone? This is the longest we're leaving her alone with someone else." Jimin wondered.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. She seems to like my dad a lot." He chuckled, sparing a glance at Haenul who was busily playing around with the brightly colored toys on her play mat.

He turned to look back at Jimin, humming quietly as Jimin caressed his face gently. "Are you going to do what you said you were going do?" He whispered.

"Of course I am, I didn't forget." Jungkook winked, the boy's face starting to redden.

"Great." Jimin murmured, looking down in an attempt to keep his red face hidden, but it was really no use. Jungkook could still see him.

"You're so fucking cute, you know that?" Jungkook laughed at the younger's flustered expression, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"I love you." He added, Jimin smiling faintly as he leaned in and pecked Jungkook's lips. "I love you too." Jimin nodded.

They noticed Haneul had gotten a bit quiet, Jimin walking over to her play mat to find she'd fallen asleep. He giggled quietly, picking her up in his arms to take her upstairs so she could lay down for her nap.

Jungkook stayed back in her room to watch her for a little bit while Jimin left to go back downstairs and make lunch.

He gazed down at her endearing sleeping face, smiling to himself thinking about how lucky he was having her and Jimin in his life now.

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