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Jungkook left the room for what felt like an eternity, but was only thirty minutes. He had to go take a small walk to calm himself down so he didn't say anything else stupid to Jimin.

Jungkook felt absolutely terrible for saying that to him, and he really didn't mean it. He was just mad about his mom.

Jimin tried his best to calm down, but the sentence kept replaying in his head and that prevented the tears from stopping.

He laid on the bed, hugging a pillow close to his body because it was the only comforting thing around at the moment.

He heard the door opening, Jungkook letting out a quiet breath as he spotted Jimin laying on the bed. He could tell the boy was still crying because he could see his shoulders shake every few seconds and could hear his quiet sniffles.

He sauntered over to the bed, sitting down beside Jimin. Jungkook was hesitant to even say anything because he didn't want to make matters worse.

"Baby..." He spoke in a hushed tone, earning no sort of response from Jimin. The younger sat up slowly, facing Jungkook as he tried to wipe the tears away.

Jungkook carefully caressed his face, but Jimin didn't allow him to do that for more than three seconds before pulling away from him.

So Jungkook just hugged him instead, and Jimin couldn't really resist that, wrapping his arms around Jungkook to hug back.

"I'm so sorry I keep hurting your feelings. I keep messing things up between us and I honestly think that maybe I really am still a terrible person." Jungkook felt his tears returning.

"I promise I didn't mean what I said. I was just so angry about my mom, and I really hate talking to her and about her. And I know that's not an excuse to snap at you, so I'm really sorry, Jimin." He continued.

"I love you more than anything in the world, we both know that. And I'm never going to stop loving you, ever." Jungkook concluded.

"Maybe you really would be better off if you chose Taehyung instead. He's probably never repeatedly hurt your feeling like I have-"

Jimin slapped him.

Jungkook winced slightly as he placed his hand on his cheek where Jimin had hit him, eyes widening slightly as he looked back at the younger.

"Don't say that ever again." Jimin shook his head. "I l-love you too, but if we're gonna make things work between us you have to stop blaming yourself for everything." He let out.

"I know you d-didnt mean what you said. It still hurt, but I'm going to get over it because you know me. You know I'm sensitive and get upset at the slightest things but I'm fine. By the end of the day I'm not going to care about it anymore because you already apologized." Jimin continued.

"That's the worst part, though. I know you're sensitive and yet I still can't control my anger around you sometimes. I-I'm scared I'm going to say something one day that'll really hurt y-you." Jungkook started to cry silently.

Jimin pulled the older back into his arms, the two staying like that until the both of them calmed down and were able to recollect their emotions.

"I'm really sorry, Jimin." Jungkook whispered after a few minutes. "Don't apologize anymore. It's okay." Jimin whispered back, leaning away slightly to press a gentle kiss onto Jungkook's lips.

"I don't like when you cry." Jimin giggled through his tears as he wiped Jungkook's away. "I don't like when you cry either, I hate it. It makes me feel so bad." Jungkook laughed as well.

"Let's enjoy the rest of our trip, okay? Don't worry about your mom until we get home." Jimin said, Jungkook nodding slightly.


After breakfast, the two decided to go out for a walk because the weather was perfect and Jimin wanted to find a souvenir to get for Haneul.

Jungkook found a souvenir shop, leading Jimin inside. The younger peered around at all the nice items for sale, unsure of what to pick because there were a variety of things that interested him.

He noticed an item in particular, picking it up off of the shelf and admiring it.

"Isn't this so pretty." Jimin held up a fancy looking snow globe, the man smiling faintly. "Yeah, I'll buy it for you." Jungkook offered.

"Really?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook nodded. "It would go perfect in Haneul's room. You think she'd like it?" Jimin asked the last part as a joke.

"She doesn't have a conscious yet, I'm sure if she knew what it was she'd love it." The two both laughed quietly as Jimin handed him the snow globe, choosing a few more items before heading to the front to purchase them.

The snow globe was placed into a special box to protect it, the other items being placed in a small bag. Jungkook paid before they left the shop, Jimin quietly thanking him.

It was a bit of awkward silence as they walked along the sidewalk, Jungkook unsure of whether Jimin would want to hold his hand at the moment, being they didn't just get out of a small argument.

He started to reach his hand over to hold Jimin's, but gave up halfway, locking their pinky fingers together.

Jimin looked over and up at Jungkook'a slowly reddening face, down at their pinky fingers and then back up at Jungkook's face before letting out a laugh.

"Jungkook, I'm not mad at you at all, you can hold my hand." Jimin said, reaching the rest of his hand over to interlace their fingers together.

"I know, I just...I wasn't sure if- never mind." Jungkook shook his head, blushing out of embarrassment.

"I love you." Jimin reminded. "I know." Jungkook responded, the younger stopping abruptly, Jungkook laughing this time as he looked over at Jimin.

"I love you too, baby. You know that." He smiled softly, Jimin continuing to walk beside him, feeling relieved that they were able to handle the conflict earlier quicker than any other conflict they've gone through.

Jungkook still really hated himself for hurting Jimin's feelings, but he was just glad things were resolved and Jimin didn't necessarily hold onto it.

He couldn't stand seeing Jimin upset for long periods of time, and he was seriously going to try his best to avoid making him upset.

Jungkook loved him too much for that.

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