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Jungkook had woken up before Jimin the following day. He laid there for a moment until he heard little noises emitting from the baby monitor.

He stood up and left the bedroom quietly, heading down the hall to Hanel's guest room to check on her.

Upon entering, he smiled contently seeing that Haneul was awake, leaning down into the crib and picking her up into his arms.

"Hi, sweetie, did you sleep okay?" He whispered softly, rubbing her back gently as he slowly walked around the room.

"Well, I know for sure that you did. But I didn't because you woke me up in the middle of the night." Jungkook mindlessly spoke to the baby, smiling to himself as he felt her little head resting on his shoulder.

"But that's okay, soon enough it won't be like that." He concluded, slowly walking down the hall and into their bedroom.

Jimin was still asleep, Jungkook chuckling quietly as he leaned down and gently pressed a kiss onto his cheek. He had one of those moments again where he realized how lucky he was to have met Jimin, excited to spend the rest of his life with him.

Jungkook carried Haneul downstairs and into the kitchen, assuming his father hadn't woken up either because he didn't hear him at all. He fixed Haneul's milk, carefully placing the bottle tip in between her lips as he left out of the kitchen to go sit in the living room.

Jungkook switched the tv on to watch the morning news, mainly keeping an eye on Haneul to make sure she was drinking what she could. He didn't want her to choke or anything because that would spark him into panic. Just thinking about it scared him. Jungkook didn't want anything to happen to her.

After a while, he heard quiet footsteps approaching him before he felt Jimin's arms swing around his neck, a small kiss being placed onto the corner of his lips.

"You left me alone." He mumbled. "Well I had to go get her up." Jungkook responded, glancing down at Haneul. "She's so cute." Jimin awed as he gently poked her cheek.

"Yes, but she cries all night and I can't ever sleep. I'm surprised you never wake up and hear it." Jungkook laughed. "Her cuteness makes up for it though." He nodded, smiling as he felt her little hand grasping onto his pinky finger.

"Did you ever call your mom?" Jimin wondered. "Not yet." Jungkook shook his head. "You should call her. Here, I'll take her." Jimin suggested, Jungkook handing the baby over to him as he stood up and left the room.

He sauntered down the hallway and entered into the sunroom, sitting on the couch as searched for his mother's contact. It'd been nearly five years since he'd spoken to her.

Jungkook hesitantly tapped the call button, holding the phone up to his ear as he patiently listened to the dial tone.

"I'm sorry, but the caller you're trying to reach is not available right now. At the tone, please leave your voice message-" "Weird." Jungkook whispered to himself as he hung up and tried to call back, but it immediately went to voicemail again.

He decided to text her this time, not expecting the response he got.

Jungkook: Hi, mom. I know we haven't talked in a while but I was wondering if maybe you'd like to meet up somewhere and talk. There's a couple of people I'd like you to meet.

Mom: You avoid me for five years and now suddenly I'm important to you? What type of son are you? Maybe those kids at your highschool had a good reason for avoiding you at all costs. You  don't care about anyone but yourself. I really don't want anything to do with you at this point, Jungkook.

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