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Nearly a week had passed, and tomorrow Jimin would be allowed to come home from the hospital. He had to stay a bit longer so that the incision on his abdomen could heal partially and so they could monitor his health overall.

Jungkook had visited everyday like he'd promised, except for today. He'd wanted to at least have one day alone with Haneul for some bonding time.

Jungkook deeply regret every saying that he didn't want to have kids because Haneul was the best thing to ever happen to him, beside falling in love with Jimin.

It was getting close to eight o'clock p.m., the time that he noticed that Haneul would start to fall asleep.

He changed her into a warm onsie, struggling a bit because he was still trying to get the hang of things. Jungkook picked her up and carried her downstairs and into the kitchen to fix her bottle of milk, the little one on the brink of slumber.

"Here." He spoke softly as he held the bottle to her lips, but she started to refuse. "I know you're sleepy but you have to eat." Jungkook whispered, not really caring if she couldn't understand him.

Haneul finally gave in, allowing Jungkook to place the small piece of rubber between her lips so she could drink the milk.

It was so endearing to just watch, the man wishing she could stay this small forever. It would be much easier for him to protect her from the big, scary world that way.

Once she finished, Jungkook took her upstairs to her room, slowly pacing  around and waiting until she burped so he could lay her down to go to sleep.

After a while, Jungkook walked over to the crib to lay her down. He peered down at her face, smiling faintly as he found himself getting teary-eyed.

"I'm so happy you're here." He whispered quietly as he pressed a soft kiss onto Haneul forehead, placing her in the crib and sliding a pacifier in between her lips.

Jungkook stayed and watched her for a few more minutes before shutting off the light leaving the room so he could go to bed.

He made sure the baby monitor was on before laying down himself to go to sleep, knowing he'd probably be up in a few hours to change her.

Before he could even close his eyes, his phone began buzzing rapidly. Tiredly, he picked it up and answered without even looking at the caller ID.

"Jungkook?" Jimin murmured. "Hey, how's everything?" Jungkook talked lowly. "Fine, you know what time to come get me, right?" He asked. "Yep, don't worry about it." Jungkook hummed.

"Is Haneul doing okay? Did you put her to bed?" Jimin asked another question. "Yeah, she just fell asleep." Jungkook chuckled quietly. "Aww, okay. Well, I was just calling to say goodnight. I haven't talked to you all day." The younger realized sadly.

"I know, I'm sorry." Jungkook apologized. "It's okay, I'll see you in the morning. I love you." Jimin concluded. "I love you too, baby. Get some rest." Jungkook responded, both of them collectively hanging up from the call.

He fell asleep with ease from his happy mood, never wanting the feeling to go away. Jungkook wouldn't know what to do without either of the two now.


Jungkook woke up the next morning feeling well rested. He made his way over to Haneul's room, smiling a little at how peaceful she appeared while asleep.

Jungkook made his way downstairs into the kitchen to fix himself a small breakfast, as well as prepare Haneul's bottle for when she'd wake up within the next few minutes.

He ate a small bowl of oatmeal, hearing Haneul's tiny cries just as he finished. He quickly ascended the stairs and made his way down the hall to her room.

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