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A couple of days had passed and Jimin hadn't received anything from Jungkook so maybe he really meant it when he said not to contact him at all. It made the younger a little sad. He knew drunk feelings weren't genuine but he felt like somehow they had chemistry.

Today Jimin was headed to work at the local café, even though he really didn't need to work. His parents sent him a significant amount of money every month so he could do anything he wanted without worrying about not having enough money, but it never hurt to have a little extra money. And he enjoyed working there because his two other friends worked there as well.

Jimin parked his car and entered the shop, being greeted by the two co-workers. "Hi Jiminie! Jin told me you were upset about this guy so Yoongi and I made you this." He handed Jimin a cat shaped donut with pink and blue frosting on it.

"Aww, thanks guys." Jimin smiled sadly and took the donut. "It was Hoseok's idea." Yoongi smiled and Jimin laughed a bit. "Of course it was." He said as he went to back to get his apron and wash his hands.

"So who is this guy you were with?" Hoseok asked. "His name is Jungkook." Jimin said as he nibbled on the donut he was given. "Ooo, even his name sounds like he's a jerk." Yoongi scrunched his nose.

"Was he at least good in bed?" Hoseok asked. "I think so, I don't really remember, I was wasted." Jimin sighed, still suffering a headache. "Do you think you'll ever see him again?" Hoseok made himself a small cup of tea.

"Probably not." Jimin shrugged as he walked over the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. He took a few sips, Yoongi taking care of a customer while Hoseok got their order done.

The door opened, the small bell above it ringing throughout the café. Jimin looked up and nearly chocked. It was Jungkook...

Jungkook frowned slightly before walking up to the counter. "What c-can I get you?" Jimin tried not to make eye contact but it was hard not too. "Just a blueberry muffin." Jungkook said quietly, handing Jimin his black credit card. Oh so he's rich. Jimin thought as he swiped it and handed it back to Jungkook.

He got the muffin and placed it in a bag. Jimin handed to the older, Jungkook nodding slightly as he took it and walked over to a table near the window and sat down. Jimin's face had faded to pink, Hoseok looking at him funny.

"What's the matter?" He asked. Hoseok peered at what Jimin's eyes were focused on and gasped quietly. "Is that him?" He asked and Jimin nodded. "Oh wow..." Hoseok chuckled. "I know, right?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Text him later, maybe he's changed his mind by now." Yoongi suggested. "I doubt it." Jimin murmured. He looked back over at Jungkook, the man on his phone as he munched in the muffin.


Later that day, Jimin sat in his apartment, staring at Jungkook's contact on his phone. What should I say? Jimin thought as he pressed the 'text' icon.

Jimin: Hi.

Jimin's heart began beating quickly when he saw that Jungkook was typing.

Jungkook❤️: I thought I told you not to fucking contact me.
Jimin: Then why do have my number still🤨
Jungkook❤️: I dunno, don't talk to me, kid.
Jimin: I'm not a kid...
Jungkook❤️: Yes you are, nineTEEN. Teen. Teenager. Kid. Now fuck off.

Jimin sat there a bit stunned by the man's attitude. For someone who's older they sure act like a child more. Jimin laid down on his bed in attempts to remember details from a couple of nights ago but it was difficult.

He was also a bit sad that things were going this way. He wished Jungkook would at least be a little more understanding of his feelings right now, or just be nicer about rejecting him.

Jimin's phone buzzed and he picked it up.

Meanie😔❤️: I didn't mean to be harsh. I'm just in a bad mood right now, sorry.

Jimin teared up a bit. "Idiot." He whispered out as he quickly wiped them away.

Jimin: It's okay.

Jimin set his phone back down before getting up and leaving his bedroom, walking into the kitchen and starting dinner. As he was making it, he got a few more memories back of that night...


The two both reached their climaxes at the same time, Jungkook kissing at Jimin's neck as they rode out their orgasms. Jungkook leaned away and looked down into Jimin's glimmering eyes, the younger running his fingers through Jungkook's messy hair.

"Damn, you're so pretty." Jungkook breathed out, leaning down and pressing their lips together for a quick kiss. "How was that for your first time?" Jungkook smirked, Jimin giggling softly. "Felt really good." Jimin murmured.

Jungkook pulled out and laid beside the smaller, wrapping his arms around his small waist and pulling him close. He observed Jimin's face, gently tracing it with his thumb. "I've never met someone as pretty as you. You kind of look unreal." Jungkook rambled drunkly.

"Call m-me pretty again." Jimin smiled softly. "You liked getting praised, huh?" Jungkook asked. "I guess sooo~" The younger slurred, Jungkook chuckling softly as he pressed a kiss on his forehead. "Pretty." He whispered gently.

"Jungkook?" Jimin met eyes with the man, Jungkook giving a small smile. "Hmm?" Jungkook hummed. "D-Do you think you'll remember tonight?" Jimin asked. "I hope so." Jungkook winked. "Get some sleep, cutie. You're probably tired." Jungkook whispered and at that, Jimin drifted away.

End of flashback...

Jimin stood there, feeling butterflies pounding against the walls of his stomach. Those feelings felt too damn real to be drunk feelings. Jimin wished so much that Jungkook would've just gave him a chance.

But then Jimin realized, he was just a one-night stand. He wasn't supposed to fall for Jungkook but he did anyways. He couldn't help it. The way the man complimented him and treated him like a princess was something Jimin never experienced before in his entire life and he became immediately attached to it.

Jimin finished making his dinner, the sadness becoming overwhelming as he felt he couldn't even eat anymore after taking two bites of food. He wish he hadn't fell for the man that quickly.

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