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It was getting pretty close to Jimin's due date, and the younger had been paranoid that entire week, paranoid to the point where he wasn't getting much sleep. He was due in four days, but had a feeling that their daughter would born either tomorrow, or the next day.

He'd been laying in bed most of the day, not wanting to be up and around much because he didn't want to do anything that would possibly induce him into labor early.

"Jiminie, let's go on a walk." Jungkook suggested as he peaked his head into the room. "Jungkook?!" The boy whined, having had told him a million times before he didn't want to be walking around a lot.

"Come on, baby, you can't lay in bed all day." Jungkook laughed as he stepped inside. "I'm just really anxious to do anything right now." Jimin admitted.

"I know, but you'll be fine going on a small walk. Come on, it's not too cold outside. We'll just go up the block and back, okay?" Jungkook insisted.

He helped Jimin slide his shoes on, since he pretty much couldn't do that at the moment, and pulled him up to his feet. "And you'll just be fatigued if you lay down all day." He added as they put in their coats.

Jungkook grabbed a beanie and carefully slid it onto Jimin's head, caressing his face as he just stared contently into his eyes.

Jimin blinked a few times before giggling quietly. "Earth to Jungkook? Are you there?" He waved his hand in front of Jungkook's face, for he'd been staring for nearly a minute straight.

"Yep." Jungkook nodded, not taking his eyes away from Jimin for the slightest moment. "Am I that pretty?" The boy teased, and Jungkook nodded once more before he finally let go and turned around to head out of the room.

Jimin had a small snack before they left the house, shivering slightly at the cold air.

Jungkook held onto his hand as the two began the short walk. It was awfully quiet, the only thing the man could hear was Jimin's light breaths beside him and a car driving past the opposite street every now and then.

"Baby?" Jungkook began. "Hmm?" Jimin hummed. "We never agreed on a name yet." He pointed out. "I told you you could pick her name." Jimin reminded.

"You come up with any?" He asked and Jungkook nodded. "I've actually been thinking about it for a while. Haneul is a pretty name, don't you think?" He suggested. "Aww, it is. I really like that." Jimin agreed.

"Well, I guess that's settled." The man chuckled. "How've you been feeling?" Jungkook glanced over at him. "I don't know, a weird mixture of emotions." Jimin shrugged.

"Me too, don't worry about it." Jungkook said. "I'm mostly just really nervous now. I'm trying to be happy but it's hard." The younger pouted. "I know, but don't let that keep you from being happy, okay?" The older gave his hand a small squeeze.

Jimin nodded slightly, letting out a quiet breath. "It's cold out here, why did you want to go on a walk." He shivered, smiling faintly as he listened to Jungkook laugh beside him.

"It's not that cold." Jungkook retorted. "Plus, we're almost back home." He added.

They stayed quiet the rest of the walk, Jimin's heart fluttering noticing how tightly Jungkook was holding onto his hand. "Jungkook, I'm not going anywhere." Jimin giggled softly as he held up their connected hands.

"S-Sorry." The man let out, loosening his grip a bit just as they made it back to their home.

Jimin hummed quietly in delight as they stepped inside into the warmth of the house, sliding off his coat and placing it on the hook.

"I plan on taking you to meet my dad maybe a few days after we come home from the hospital, so he can see our daughter too. I mean, if that's okay with you." Jungkook explained.

"Yeah, that's fine. He's not gonna say anything mean to me, is he?" Jimin worried. "No, baby, my father is not like that. Seriously, Jimin, he doesn't hate you." Jungkook shook his head as they exited the foyer.

"Want me to fix you something for lunch?" He asked they entered the kitchen. "I dunno, maybe just some instant ramen. I'm not too hungry." Jimin murmured as he sat on a chair at the counter island.

Jungkook boiled the pack of noodles before pouring in the seasoning powder, adding a few more toppings to spruce it up a little.

He placed the bowl in front of Jimin, the boy happily taking a bite of the yummy noodles. Jungkook fixed himself a bowl of noodles as well and sat beside Jimin.

"We still have to pack our bags." Jimin reminded. "I'll do that, you just rest, alright?" Jungkook instructed. "I can do some things on my own, y'know." Jimin pouted.

"Weren't you just whining about not wanting to do anything that'll induce you?" Jungkook turned to him, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Well-" "Nope, I don't wanna hear it. I'm not going to let you. You can barely stand up or sit down without help." He cut Jimin off, laughing to himself.

"That doesn't annoy you?" Jimin asked. "What? Doing stuff for you?" Jungkook guessed and Jimin nodded sheepishly. "No, it doesn't it annoy me. You literally can't help that you're limited to do much right now." He assured. "Oh, okay." Jimin said.

After finishing eating, the two sat in the living room cuddled on the couch to watch a movie, Jungkook hoping it would put Jimin to sleep because he hadn't been sleeping much for the past week and he needed the energy.

"I think she'll be born either tomorrow or the next day. She keeps moving around a lot more than usual." Jimin mumbled. "Maybe, you never know." Jungkook shrugged.

"I should probably call my parents, they want to be there too." Jimin reminded himself. "Call before we go to bed tonight, okay?" Jungkook suggested and Jimin nodded.

"I kinda wanna take a nap." Jimin yawned. "Please, my goodness, you need to because you've barely slept lately." Jungkook said.

"I know." Jimin said, laying his head onto Jungkook's chest.

"I love you, okay? Please get some rest." Jungkook whispered, watching as Jimin started to drift to sleep.

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