71| Settling the Score

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As much as Bradley tried to fall victim to sleep with her heavy eyelids, she simply couldn't. Rashad was exhausted. He had stayed up with Bradley all through the night as she cried. She had hurt him, but Kimora's had just thrown her into a battle with the entire world. She felt defenseless so he had to be there for her.

Now, roles were reversed. Rashad slept with his head rested on Bradley's shoulder throughout the flight from New York. Bradley wasn't ready to face anyone so Rashad and her left sooner than everyone else. She was ashamed and disgusted with herself. She had ruined Alex's entire moment. The attention had completely deflected from Alex's victory and focused on the whirlwind of drama Kimora had exploited.

To save herself from another session of her hurling all that she's eaten into the toilet, Bradley kept her phone off. Rashad kept in contact with Nana for the twins and that's all that mattered to her.

Bradley hadn't spoken to anyone beside Rashad. He was the only one who she could trust at the moment. He wasn't secretly judging or shaming her even though he was the one who got burned.

Once the flight landed, everything was pretty much a blur to Bradley. She honestly didn't even recall the way home, she just suddenly arrived. Rashad grabbed their bags from the trunk of the Uber as Bradley used the key to gain access to their home. She entered, heading straight upstairs to she and Rashad's bedroom.

Throughout the entire flight, she had debated with herself about turning her phone on to see everything that was being said about her. She was sure there weren't much nice things being said about her but she was still curious. Just as she was about to turn the device on, in came Rashad. "Don't," He advised her once he noticed what she was on the verge of doing.

Bradley let out a heavy sigh. "I can't keep running from it,"

Rashad let's out a deep breath. Bradley was right and for her to be feeling the most heat for this, he was shocked to see her taking initiative. He made his way over to the bed, taking a seat next to her. "How do you wanna go by this?" Rashad asked.

"It would be nice to have a confirmed relationship status," She scoffed lightly.

Rashad shrugged. "Say whatever you want, I'll rock with you," He assured her.

Bradley furrowed her brows in question as she eyed Rashad. "Why are you being so supportive?" She asked him. He had went through so many different emotions and moods that she couldn't keep up. She remained safe by riding the fence and gaging his attitude. One minute he was acting as though there was nothing that could break them up, then the next he was distant and cold. She was trying her best to be understanding, but she was confused.

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