19| Hello Indonesia,

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Bradley had been preparing for Indonesia for a few days now. She wasn't sure how well the trip would go since she and Rashad weren't really on speaking terms. After that night where she acted a fool on him, they ended up having another argument. It wasn't so focused on her behavior that night, but more so her awful trust issues.

The discussion between the two went left and turned into a heated argument once Bradley slipped up and called him Israel's. Rashad wasn't heated that she called him Israel, it was really because he felt like he was getting punished for the damage Israel had done to her.

Bradley was just so accustomed to Israel had, she began assuming that Rashad was going to be the same. She lacked so much trust, but it honestly wasn't her fault. Bradley was scarred mentally and emotionally.

"Bradley, we leave tomorrow, I think you need to decide what you're bringing," Georgia chuckled as she entered Bradley's room which was turned upside down. She had all types of clothes sprawled amongst the floor while her Uniwalker suitcase laid in the center opened up with absolutely nothing inside of it.

Bradley let out a groan. "Can you help me. I have so many cute clothes, I can't decided what to bring,"

Georgia planted her hand on her hip and gave Bradley a sly look. "You invited me over to eat, not to help you pack,"

"But I fed you, so now you have to help," Reaching her arm up, Bradley pulled Georgia down so she could be on the carpeted floor alongside of her.

Whining, Georgia threw a little fit before she began helping. "So you still haven't talk to your man?" Georgia asked. It was evident that Bradley hadn't been feeling like herself lately. Bradley honestly felt like she took two losses at the same time. Her shop wasn't open like usual and her man wasn't even talking to her.

It was definitely hard to revert back to not being around Rashad, but she was dealing.

Rashad was certain that he and Bradley weren't broken up, but he did think it was a good idea for her to get her mind right, alone. He did not want their problems to fester like the problems he had been through in his past relationships.

"No," Bradley sighed. "I miss him so much Gia,"

"Awe," Georgia reaches over and pulled Bradley into an embrace. "I'm sure he misses you too,"

Bradley pouted. "No he doesn't. If he did, he would have reached out by now,"

Georgia ran her naturally long finger nails through Bradley's scalp calming her. "Yes he does Brad. He probably wants you to reach out," Georgia suggested.

"What if he tells me we're broken up?" Bradley looked up at her with her sad eyes.

"Honey, if you two were broken up, he would not have booked your ticket to go to Bali," Bradley had done all that overthinking and assuming, not realizing that Rashad still wanted to celebrate with her. He was hoping once they land in Indonesia then they would be able to resolve their problems and resume to how things usually were. "I feel like you should call him," Georgia grabbed Bradley's phone and handed it to her.

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