46| From Here On Out

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For the past hour or so, the only thing Rashad and Bradley could utter out to each other was the word twins. They would use different tones and phrase the word as either a question or a statement to clarify that they heard and understood correctly.

"Twins though?" Rashad screwed his face up questioningly. "Like for real?"

"Twins babe. As in two," Bradley nodded holding up two fingers. They were seated opposite of each other at their kitchen island with blank expressions gracing their faces.

Yes, finding out they were having twins was definitely a curveball, but it was kinda speculative. Rashad was a twin himself. Matter of fact, the twin gene ran so hard on his mother side of the family that his aunts, Cara and Lily, were a set of twins themselves.  "It's cause I'm a twin, ain't it?" Rashad hiked his brow up asking the silly question.

Bradley's blank look transitioned into a stale face. "No, it's because we had sex twice in the same night," Sarcasm laced her words. "Yes Rashad, it's because you're a damn twin,"

"This shit is crazy. That's two sets of birthday gifts, two sets of Christmas gifts, two sets of clothes, two sets of shoes, two beds, two bedrooms when they get old enough, and two cars when they learn how to drive," Rashad spilled out all in one breath. Saying that aloud made him realize how expensive he and Cedonni were. Especially when they both wanted the latest pair of Jordan's, or the most updated smartphone.

Bradley ran her fingers through her hair with a pout. "We're basically broke if you think about it," She concluded after Rashad listed out just a few expenses that would inflict their wallets when the twins were born.

Rashad nodded his head agreeing. "Broke as hell,"

"I gotta go back to work," Bradley murmured out with a distressing sigh.

Rashad's face contorted into a frown. "I ain't say all that now,"

"Oh now you don't want me going back to work?" Bradley scoffed while waving him off.  "We're having two babies–at the same time–I need to go back to work Rashad,"

"Why? I can take care of you and them," Rashad took pride in the fact that he could provide for not only himself but also Bradley. He never really had to do much for her since she's always had her own. He met her while she was running her own shop, everything she had was an asset and couldn't be taken away from her. Finding out she's pregnant—with twins, Rashad felt obligated to not allow her to lift a finger. The babies would put enough strain on her body as is. He didn't want her on her feet for a full eight hours—sometimes nine or ten—doing hair. She should be home, sleeping, giving herself face masks and silly stuff like that.

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