42| Embarking Possibilites

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"Georgia!" Bradley groaned out as she attempted to reenact the yoga pose Georgia had demonstrated. "This is supposed to be relaxing, it's not!"

"You have to shut up so it can be relaxing," Georgia told her in a mellow voice.

Bradley immediately dropped herself onto the yoga mat, no longer able to hold the stance any longer. "Lord, I can't do this," She let out a heavy breath causing Georgia to laugh a bit.

Georgia held the stance for a little while longer before she too landed on her yoga mat, sitting Indian style. "You beg to do some yoga with me, then you just give up ten minutes in," Georgia shook her head as she reached over to turn the zen music she had playing off.

Bradley exalted out a drained breath. "I thought we were gonna do the cute poses the white women do in movies," Bradley explained. "You tried to kill me with some contortionist ass yoga pose,"

Georgia laughed. "Okay, yoga isn't your thing, we'll find something else that's relaxing,"

"A facial?" Bradley suggested with a convincing smile, hinting that's what she really wanted from this visit to Georgia's place.

Georgia rolled her eyes jokingly. "Of course, I should have know,"

"You're such a great friend, I just love you," Bradley praises hoping it would be enough to get a facial.

Georgia stood up before extending her hand out to help Bradley up. "Let me go get my things, just lay on the couch," Georgia gave in.

Bradley clapped her hands like an excited child. "You're the best," She make her way over to the couch and laid down on her back.

Georgia returned a few minutes later with her supplies and set them up on a folding table she often used for at home appointments. She lit a few candles to keep the relaxing vibe within her home and played the calming zen music in the background.

Bradley kept her eyes shuddered close just how Georgia instructed. Georgia started off with cleansing her face. Bradley fell at ease at Georgia tender and nurturing touch. The music and the smell of the burning candles were enough to make Bradley feel as if she were falling asleep. "Can I ask you something?" Georgia's voice was low, matching the setting of the vibe.

"Yeah, anything," Bradley assured with a light sigh.

Georgia nervously cleared her throat. "This May be a little invasive, but have you and Rashad been—y'know, trying?" Although Posh often joked about Georgia's sixth sense and strong intuition, everyone knew they would believe Georgia in a heartbeat. The fact that she speculated that Bradley and Rashad were trying was enough to let Bradley know that she was either in for some good news or some bad news.

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