55| All About Change

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Bradley opened up the door to her home, allowing Genovah and Mimi in. Like promised, she made time for the two so they could all spend some time with each other. With the twins about to enter the world, Bradley truly wanted no ill feelings or animosity with anyone, Genovah being one of the main people she felt like she needed to resolve things with. Her and her sister were able to stay cordial and play nice, but it was clear that their underlying issue had yet to be solved. She was hoping with some time, and a good talk, things could begin to work out.

"You look so cute pregnant," Genovah gushed as her hand gravitated to Bradley's stomach.

A smile displayed onto Bradley's face. "Thank you. I'm ready for them to be out already," Bradley sighed lightly causing Mimi and Genovah to chuckle since they both were aware of the feeling.

"When do they think you're going into labor?" Mimi asked after thanking Bradley for appointing her a seat.

"Uh, my midwives think they'll be here in the next week or two. Yesterday we found out I'm a centimeter dilated so now we're just playing the waiting game," Bradley breathed out as she eased into her seat with a ton of pillow supporting her back. Honestly, Bradley was no longer nervous about the arrival of Blake and Jace. She wanted them out and in her arms. Against Rashad's dismay, she had been trying to figure things out that could help her dilate quicker. Rashad didn't want any thing to kick start Bradley's labor just because she was anxious to have the twins. He wanted things to be organic and his kids to come out on their own time.

"Well I'll be here," Mimi beamed assuring Bradley.

Bradley perked up in excitement. She was set on simply having Paige and Rashad present while giving birth to the twins. Knowing Mimi would be there as well gave her another level of comfort. "Will you really?"

Mimi chuckled. "Of course! You really think I'll miss my favorite girl having twins?"

Bradley squealed in slight excitement holding her arms out for an embrace from her grandmother which was granted. "Thank you so much,"

"You're welcome," Mimi assures, kissing Bradley's cheek.

"I'm happy for you Bradley, I genuinely am," Genovah sighed out in a content manner before she smiled at her younger sister.

Bradley mirrored the smile. "Thank you. A lot of things are still surreal. I never saw this life for myself," Her smile discarded her face as she settled in her thoughts. She couldn't help but to drift back into her past.

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