61| In With The New

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Being back in the salon felt a bit odd for Bradley since she had been out of the game for so long. This morning she had psyched herself out into thinking that she no longer had the ability to do hair anymore since her hair wouldn't straighten how she wanted it to. Whole time, she didn't have her straightener plugged in.

Hearing the chimes of the door ring into her ears was refreshing. Now with two shops, Bradley insisted one starting her day at Allure before ending at Allure Me. She was trying to figure out the kinks of her schedule so she could still make it home before the twins last feeding so the could go to bed. Being a working mommy was hard as hell. Bradley didn't think she was cut for it, especially after she had to convince herself not to go back into the house to pick up Jace since he was crying specifically for her.

"Friend I know you're not standing over there all sad and shit," Usiah stale faced Bradley as he stood at the washing station running his fingers through his clients sudsy hair.

Bradley snapped out of her thoughts and rolled her eyes at Usiah. "You done minding my business?" She scoffed joking causing him to laugh.

"You over there acting like you were held gunpoint to be here today," Usiah had urged Bradley to take as much time as she needed before coming back. Four months was more than enough for anyone else, but everyone who knew Bradley knew that she had a hard time detaching herself, just like Rashad.

"See I definitely didn't miss you bullying me," Bradley rolled her eyes jokingly causing Usiah to laugh.

Usiah waved her off. In all honestly, he was glad to have her back. Allure felt different without her and he couldn't deal with nor change after Georgia, Posh, and Rome slipped through the crack and scurried over to the second shop. He truly did miss the shop how it use to be. Things were just ultimately different now. Posh wasn't around to be as messy as she usually was. The last time she stopped by, she stole two big containers of conditioner and dipped.

Georgia wasn't around to keep the peace and safe the shore every other month. And Rome wasn't around to tell her loud mouth insane stories about playing niggas, due to her not being able to deal with being in an atmosphere that reminded her so much of Cinney. The new stylist were cool and they could have a good time, but they definitely couldn't top the old staff, but Usiah kept that to himself. A step was still a pain in the ass, but she was starting to loosen up and grow a bond with another stylist in the shop, India. Alta was still playing mama to everyone in the shop and was the reasonable one even with Usiah being in charge.

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