25| We're Doing This Again?

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In a state of arousal, Bradley could feel her toes curl and her lungs cache up, leaving her breathless.

6 AM.

Many were asleep, others were just starting their day. Bradley and Rashad on the other hand, were up like two energizer bunnies colliding bodies with each other. Sex was always lit for them, but this morning was some special occasion sex. In honor of Allure reopening today, Rashad was gifting Bradley with some congratulatory dick.

"I love you so much," Bradley shudders out as Rashad dug into her core. They were both sitting up, Bradley was latched around his shaft perfectly. Their body's rocked together in titillation while moans escaped from the both of them.

They both could feel their peaks near and before they knew it, they were both convulsing under each other's touch.

Out of breath and in a daze, their bodies landed onto the bed. They stared at each other with light smiles on their faces. "I love you too," Rashad told her while brushing some hair that had fallen carelessly, out of her face.

After a light kiss, Rashad and Bradley found themselves desperate to at least catch two more hours of sleep. Once their alarm blared into their ears, they immediately began regretting their illicit affairs at 4 AM through 6 AM.

Bradley was definitely tired but with the excitement of the shop coming back into business today, she brushed off the feeling of sleep.

Unlike Bradley, Rashad didn't get up with ease. He tried to catch way more sleep than he could've, but failed miserably when he heard the loud sound of Polo G's and Lil TJay's song Pop Out.  Bradley stood in the bathroom mirror in just her undergarments, using her flat iron as a mic to rap every lyric to the song.

Getting up from the bed, Rashad made his way over to the bathroom and relieved himself while Bradley hyped her morning up to be a good one.

"You way too much of an early bird," Rashad muttered while taking a towel out of the bathroom's closet. He knew he was about to agitate her by not going to use the other bathroom while she occupied this one, but he didn't care. He started himself a shower just so Bradley could groan.

"I know you see me in here having the time of my life," Bradley rolled her eyes just as Rashad got into the shower.

Rashad chuckled as he let the shower drench his bare body. "Bradley get out,"

Pausing her music with a melodramatic gasp, she set the flat iron down. "Boy this is my bathroom, how are you gonna tell me to get out?"

"I just did," He shrugged his shoulders playfully.

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