29| Letting It All Go

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Houston had absolutely nothing for Bradley, but negativity. Upon Devon dropping that huge bomb on Bradley, she took initiative of changing her and Rashad's flight time to an earlier date.  They left the following day, and Bradley was ready to get over it.

Bradley had pushed reconnecting with her family far behind her. It simply was no longer an objective or motive of her's anymore. She felt betrayed and lied to, and for some odd reason, Bradley had a feeling that she was the last one to find out about Devon not being her father.

She was correct.

The fact that everyone around her was comfortable enough to lie to her face about it all, was just baffling. Bradley was convinced that no one apart of the Hughes family gave a damn about her, along with people apart of her mother's family as well. Mimi was the last person Bradley expected to lie to her for all of her life , but she did.

Bradley didn't deem what they did to her as protection or caring, their intent was malicious and Bradley took it as that.

In hopes of recovering from the bomb that was dropped right in the middle of her life, Bradley was glad Usiah set up a get together to meet his and Liam's daughter, Kelsey. 

Kelsey seemed to have perfect timing because she arrived at a time Bradley needed some positivity the most.

"Where you headed?" Rashad asked. He had just came in from running errands and he didn't expect to see Bradley up and about. She had been bed bound for the last day or so. She seemed to be in better spirits so that was great.

Bradley glances up from her phone and to Rashad. "Usiah's place. He wants us to come meet the baby did you forget?"

Rashad let out a wince due to his awful time management. "Okay, I did forget, but tell him I'll stop by with gifts later,"

Bradley rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, you're doing something with Duke," She murmured out with a sly attitude.

"What's up with you? Your attitude been off the charts lately," Rashad screwed his face up.

Bradley took in a deep breath before side eyeing him. "I'm just sick of you not being available,"

Rashad looked at her in disbelief. At this point, he felt like Bradley was just finding anything to be mad about. "Bradley I'm available all the time so don't even go there. You frustrated about something else love, don't try to take it out on me," Rashad has been dodging arguments for the past two days. Bradley was beginning to lash out due to the incident with Devon, which Rashad understood. However what he didn't understand was, why Bradley found him as the outlet to release her frustrations.

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