2| Southern Hospitality

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Jayla Darden's fulfilling voice overflowed with passion as it captured the room. Bradley had dragged herself out of bed, early 7 AM. She was disciplining herself and reprogramming her sleep schedule.

Spending one wild spring break with Posh, Cinney, Rome, and Georgia had her going to sleep at 4 AM only to wake up 4 PM the next day. She noticed that her body had grown sluggish so she was doing everything in her power to recharge it to how it use to be.

"If it wasn't meant for me—when I was tryna find my swing—you ain't really on my team—keep em far away from me," Bradley sung along as she smeared a thin layer of peanut butter on her toast.

Along with waking up and going to bed earlier, Bradley was testing out a new diet. Anyone who took a glance at her would say she was crazy for even considering a diet, however she felt a difference within herself.

This was day one of course and all she could think of was how good Posh's breakfast sandwich looked, yesterday at the shop.

Sinking her teeth into the whole grain bread, the creamy peanut butter filled her mouth causing her to screw her face up in a revolting manner. Dropping the limp piece of bread into the porcelain plate, Bradley shook her head. "This is what Georgia survives off?" She asked herself after chugging down half of her bottle of water.

Concluding what Georgia would call breakfast, Bradley started getting dressed. She had been roaming her house in her matching bra and panties set. Once it hit 8:30, she knew it was time to start getting ready so she could get to the shop by ten. She prayed that she would have enough time to swing by the restaurant, across the street from the shop and get some real breakfast

Since she already taken care of her hygiene earlier that morning and put on some undergarments, all she was left to do was put some clothes on, do her hair, and make up.

Roaming her closet, she skimmed her hands over a rack of clothes. Bradley is what her family would call, shopping attic. She caught a thrill on making herself look good, it was both a good and bad habit.

Halting her hands on a mid-thigh solid black skirt, she sided with it. She took a white v-neck off one of her many hangers. The shirt had "AHS" (Allure Hair Studios) stitched on the right breast of it in black serif font. Slipping on the skirt, she then put on the shirt. The top had a crop to it causing her belly button to peak through a bit. Shoes, she slipped on a pair of Tory Burch flip flops.

Just like that, her outfit was complete. She made a mental note to grab her denim jacket off of her coat hanger when she was on the way out so she could have an extra layer.

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