31| What's Coming

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The shop hadn't been feeling the same for the past few days due to the thick tension between Rome and Cinney. Usiah and the woman all realized that Rome and Cinney were giving each other the ultimate silent treatment which made the shop's atmosphere super awkward. A lot of the time the shop remained silent which was pretty rare.

Cinney has been acting a little odd. The women weren't sure if it was because she an Rome were both going through separation anxiety after she moved out, or because of something else. Usiah and the ladies chattered amongst themselves quickly whenever Cinney left the room and shut the hell up when she returned.

Something was going on and they all wanted to get to the bottom of it—except Rome. Surprisingly!

"She got on full face make up today, that's weird," Astel pointed out in a whisper as soon as Cinney entered the back of the shop to retrieve more shampoo for her client.

"Exactly, she never wears make up like that to work, especially not on no damn Tuesday," Posh stressed keeping her voice low enough so Cinney wouldn't be able to hear.

"She wearing long sleeve in this hot behind weather," Usiah continued the whisper fest, referencing to the black long sleeve Allure crewneck-sweatshirt Cinney was sporting.

Bradley did feel like Usiah and the ladies were being a tad bit dramatic when it came to Cinney's new ways of acting. She understood people changed over time and maybe this was one of Cinney's changes. "Y'all stop being dramatic, I'm sure she's fine," Bradley whispered in response.

Alta shook her head no. "Mami, she is not fine. Look at her walk," She urged lowly.

Usiah and the ladies all scrunched up their faces giving Alta the "what the fuck are you talking about," look. "I'm telling you," She stressed in her thick accent. "Look at her walk, it'll tell you all you need to know," Alta nodded before quickly shutting up as soon as Cinney exited the inventory closet.

To avoid any type of conversation with Usiah and the ladies, she kept her AirPods in. Usiah and the ladies didn't trust her headphone ploy at all so they still dropped their worrisome conversation about her completely.

Although they stopped conversing about her, they did tune into the way Cinney was walking. They were trying to decipher the difference Alta had noticed in Cinney's gait. Cinney walked from the closet, to her chair, where she ushered her client to the wash bowl to start washing their hair.

From all of that, Usiah and the ladies followed her walk with their eyes before turning to look at each other.

Once they realized what Alta was talking about, their eyes widened. "Exactly!" Alta mouthed with emphasis.

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