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As Rashad pulled his truck into the driveway of his mother's home, he checked the time on his watch just to ensure he had enough time to make it to the airport to board his flight. With his luck, he was able to find a last minute flights that would have him lading in Houston at the top of the morning. It was the most impromptu trip he had ever taken, but he knew it was worth it. As much as Bradley tried to conceal it, he could hear the distress in her voice. She was uncomfortable and felt unprotected being that Sincere was just lingering around. Bradley caught a weird vibe and although she had her girls with her, she felt much safer knowing that Rashad was making his way over.

Shifting his golden orbs to the rear view mirror, he noticed that Blake was sound asleep while Jace was up and alert trying his best to free his little foot from the sock he had on. Amused by the fact that a lot of the times, the twins were like polar opposites, a light chuckle aired out of him. After killing the engine, Rashad stepped out of the truck, preparing to make trip to the door. He tossed the packed bag for the twins onto his shoulder, making his way around the truck grabbing Jace's car seat first then Blake's. With the bags and the babies in hand, he trudged towards the door, relieved once he was able to set the car seats down so he could knock.

Only a few seconds later, the door was pulled open Paige greeting Jace before she even glanced in Rashad's direction. With a light scoff, Rashad handed his mother Jace's car seat so he could make his way inside with Blake. "It's like I don't even exist anymore," He jested with a shake of his head, referring to the fact his mother didn't utter anything to him.

"Don't say that," She waved Rashad off. "I just didn't expect either of the babies to be up, but it looks like Jace will be up all night with me," Paige said in her usual cheerful voice.

Rashad was amused by the fact that she was actually excited that Jace was awake rather than asleep like Blake. "Yeah, Lay had a pretty rough day with her teething so she should be out for the whole night," He enlightened his mother while navigating through the home so he could place Blake in the nursery accommodation Paige had set up for her grandchildren.

Once he cautiously lifted Blake out of her car seat being sure not to wake her. He laid her down, placing a light kiss onto her forehead being sure to tell his daughter that he loved her. He returned to the living area of the home where Paige had already gotten Jace out of his car seat and seated on her lap while she put his sock back on. "I appreciate you for taking them so last minute," Rashad expressed his gratitude.

Paige averted her attention from Jace and set it on Rashad. "You're fine, I can expect that the tensions are high. Both Bradley and Kimora don't do well with tension and also I know Posh is there with Bradley so that won't make it any better, " She laughed. "You going out there could definitely bring some peace. At the end of the day, we are all family so those ladies need to figure something out quick,"

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