66| Middle Ground

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Bradley stood in the middle of the front room with broom in hand as music played through the speakers. She was giving the home a deep cleaning and got carried away by the music. "You's a suck ass, busta ass," Bradley sung along to Jhenea Aiko's songs, Remember.

She swayed side to side, using the broom handle as a make shift microphone. Tell them that, I ain't mad. I'm just sad it never worked out. Now you coming back, second chance fuck all that. You gave her what we had," She swayed side to side with her her eyes shuddered shut.

Bradley stopped her dancing as she felt Rashad press his body against hers. He wrapped his arms around her waist, placing a soft kiss onto her cheek. "Why you in here singing like I broke your heart?" He asked her with an amused smirk etched onto his face.

Bradley spun around setting the broom aside. She wrapped her arms around Rashad's neck. "Well you must've forgot about what we had planned today," She rose a brow at him probing to see if her hint would register in his mind.

Rashad let out a defeated groan as she hung his head low. "Sorry," He apologized. "We came from a meeting then the reps invited us out to lunch," Rashad explained to Bradley.

"Hm," She scoffed lightly. "I wanted to have lunch with my man, but y'know he had better things going on,"

Rashad chuckled as he tightened his hold around her, craning down to press his lips against hers. "I'm sorry for letting time get away from me,"

"Mhm," She rolled her eyes. "Lunch was gonna be real special too, the twins are with Nana," Bradley taunted him with a light smirk on her lips.

"Well in that case, go get dressed," He grabbed a handful of her rear causing a high pitch laugh to air out of her

Pressing her hands against his chest, Bradley pushed him off of her lightly while shaking her head. "I have to rain check," She laughed while turning around doe she could head upstairs, leaving him standing in the center of the living room alone.

"Bradley!" He called after her, shocked that she stood him up after he apologized

Following the path she made towards the staircase, Rashad made his way up to the second tier of the home. He trekked into the bedroom here Bradley laid on the bed with her phone grasper if her attention. Rashad approaches her, taking her phone into his grip causing Bradley to cast her attention onto him. "What?" She asked him while reaching for her phone.

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