27| When The Family Feuds

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That wasn't even a term Bradley was familiar with when it came to Houston. New Orleans was more of a home than Houston ever was. New Orleans had things and places that made her happy, people who seemed to genuinely care about her, and it gave her a sense of security like no other place had ever done before.

Houston however, made her feel sick. Bradley was beginning to find any everything to complain about. The air was too brittle. Humidity was too high. The temperature was too hot. And last, but not least— absolutely no one she came across had a butterfly inducing New Orleans accent.

Bradley was positive that if she had the time she would have came up with a much longer list. Those grievances would just have to do for now.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it with you today," Rashad apologized over FaceTime. He was still back in New Orleans holding up his part of the bargain when it came to his father's annual charity basketball event.

Although Rashad was aware of the basketball event before Bradley even had plans on going out to Houston, he still was wishing that he was with his girl.

Bradley sighed. "It's alright baby, you'll get here," She assured him. Being in Houston without Rashad seemed to grow even more challenging now that Rashad was no longer flying in a day later, it had turned into two days later. Bradley literally just wanted to crawl up into a ball and die. Here she was thinking that Rashad would be on the next flight, turns out, she had to go two days without him.

"I still feel bad. I should be there. I don't like the thought of you out there by yourself," Rashad seemed more worried than Bradley, only because he knew how easily she could fold up once she got intimidated. Bradley could stand her own against anyone, but when it came to family, it's like all her might vanished.

Bradley smiled lightly, looking at him through the phone. She had arrived in Houston at about 11 AM, tying into the time Rashad had, to get ready to leave. This was pretty much the last phone call the two would be able to talk longer than ten minutes today since Rashad was going to be so busy. Bradley's plans for the day was to meet up with Genovah and try to catch sense of this whole reconciling thing her family was on

"I'm alright Rashad. I'll call and text every chance I get," Bradley chuckled thinking about her being a melodramatic brat to her boyfriend once a family member pissed her off—she knew it was bound to happen.

Rashad chuckled right along with her. "I'm sure you will baby,"

"I can't even wrap my head around trying to act like I care about this man dying," Bradley admitted with a draining sigh.

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