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"Rashad, that's not how I want it," Bradley complained. "The changing table is too close to his crib,"

Rashad smacked his lips trying his best to keep his patience with his fiancée which he could now confirm was an absolute protectionist. "Does it really matter baby?" He asked with a drained sigh. He had been in the nursery for about four hours now, putting things together and moving them to Bradley's liking.

Bradley nodded her head giving him a twisted look as if his question was redundant. "Yes it does matter. If I'm changing her diaper while he's in his crib, I don't want her poopoo fumes to float right over to him," Bradley explained while dramatizing how close in distance the changing table was to their son's crib.

Deciding not to argue with her, although he had a more than valid argument, Rashad just moved the changing table over like Bradley requested him. "Now, it's perfect," Bradley squealed clapping her hands like a small child. She stood in the center of the nursery on the plush fur carpet, scoping her eyes around the now finished nursery.

Rashad was relieved that Bradley was finally finished bossing him around. His relief was cut short once he saw the smile on Bradley's face dissolve. "We need curtains babe," She pouted.

"I'll put them up tomorrow," He assures her while taking a seat on the comfy recliner in the corner of the nursery.

Bradley looked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes were droopy as she pouted her bottom lip. "But the nursery is done today,"

Rashad sighed. "Brad, the curtains could wait. Plus I have other things I need to do today," He reminded her.

"Like?" Bradley pursed her lips.

Absentminded, Rashad retracted her phone from his pocket, scrolling through the things he had jotted down on his calendar and reminders. "I have an interview with an assistant—"

"Which I pushed back until tomorrow," Bradley folded her arms across her chest.

Rashad screwed his face up. "Why would you even do that?" Rashad asked, not sure why she would pile up his schedule even more tomorrow. The nursery took up a great portion of Rashad's time as is so he was gonna finish a few things today so he wouldn't have to worry about them tomorrow.

Rashad's new schedule and rising career was something the couple were both adjusting too. Bradley didn't complain much which Rashad was grateful for, but she couldn't say that she didn't sometimes wish he wasn't so busy.

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