72| Touch and Go

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Bradley heard the light knock on the front door which caused her attention to stray from her laptop. She rose from her comfy seat on the couch so she could open the door. After her heated feud with Kimora and Sincere she rushed home to decompress. If she hadn't, she was sure to rupture a vein by how upset she was.

Luckily for her, Rashad was ready to bring the twins back and just decided to stay for the weekend all together.

Opening the door, Bradley laughed at the sight of both of Rashad's hands completely occupied with Blake and Jace while their diaper bag hung from his neck. "Yo, we gotta get them walking cause I don't think I can do this anymore," He sighed out tiredly as Bradley took Jace out of his hold.

"Don't say that, you'll make them feel bad," She playfully scolded Rashad before kissing Jace's cheeks. Unlike Rashad and Cedonni who could be raved about for hours on end by Paige for learning how to walk prior to their first birthday, Blake and Jace were taking their time. At the moment, they were content with crawling no matter how much fun Rashad and Bradley made walking seem to them.

Rashad locked the door behind him. He then followed Bradley to the living room were he got to set Blake and the diaper bag down so he could rest his arms. "Walking early is in their blood," Rashad scoffed jokingly causing Bradley to roll her eyes. "Tell your mama how many calories you guys burnt during practice,"

Bradley laughed at the blank looks on the twins faces as they eyed Rashad. "I'm so sorry you two had to go through that," She cooed out as she kissed Jace's hand.

Eventually Blake and Jace whined until Rashad and Bradley agreed to set them down on the ground so they could crawl freely.

Bradley was trying hard to refrain from sparking up a conversation with Rashad by keeping her attention on the kids, but it was eating her up. She wanted to talk to him so bad. Bradley just wasn't sure if he still wanted or needed space even though he was staying over for the weekend. 

Briefly, she glanced away from the twins and eyed Rashad who kept his attention on his phone. What was supposed to be a quick glance turned out to be Bradley absentmindedly staring. She missed how things used to be. When he would come home and find comfort in her arms since that's what he had been thinking about all day. She missed getting sporadic kisses, random flower deliveries, and long yet exciting talks about their wedding. Things just seem to have taken a stagnant halt and now she was lost.

Bradley had gotten used to constantly evolving and progressing with Rashad. Being so still was nearly traumatizing to her since her entire life consisted of always moving from one thing to another. The last time she felt so still and stagnant was when she was mourning the death of Israel. She hated the feeling and vowed to never allow herself to feel that way again.

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