68| Touchy Situation

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Bradley bounced Jace on her hip while tears streamed down his face and cries exalted out of him. Unfortunately, Blake threw one of her little hissy fits and end up clawing Jace's face since Rashad neglected to trim her nails. Bradley scooped Jace from the ground before he got the chance to retaliate and leave her with two crying babies.

"It's alright, just a little battle scar from your sister," Bradley chuckled. The twins were definitely a piece of work. They were like oil and water on most days, then there were days where they did practically everything in unison.

When the days they acted like it was necessary to cry at the same time, scream at the same time, and stress everyone out at the same time, Bradley usually left them to Rashad since he was known to have a lot more patience than she did. Today, that wasn't the case since Rashad was out all day working. Bradley usually had to stick through this stressful day all alone, but she wasn't complaining.

At the soothing words and actions of his mother, Jace laid his head onto her chest and simmered his cries down. "She got you pretty good," Bradley examined the scratch with a light laugh. "What you do to get her so mad?" She raised her brow in a silly manner that usually did the trick to get both of the twins laughing.

Jace stares up at her blankly for a while before he tilted his head back in laughter, showcasing his little teeth that were surfacing. Just like Rashad his shoulders motioned up and down while he laughed. Finding it the cutest thing ever, Bradley couldn't help but to rest her face and laugh along with him.

Blake, hearing the laughter that was being evoked by her mother and brother, she immediately got in position to start crawling to figure out what they were laughing about. Bradley could hear the tapping of her palms against the clean floors causing her to avert her eyes from Jace to the play mat Blake was scurrying away from. "Uh uh Cat Woman, don't try to come over here to scratch up my baby's face again," Bradley shook her head at her. Resigning from her position on all fours, Blake sat on her bottom, staring her big brown eyes up at her mother and brother. Bradley eyed her trying her hardest to be stern, but she just couldn't, the twins were the cutest.

With Jace still in her arms, she squatted down grappling Blake up as well. Now with both of them on her hips, Bradley trekked to the kitchen and sat them on the counter while she stood before them. "Blake Haiden Farewood, you do not scratch your brother like he's some random from the street, you understand me?" Bradley pointed her finger at her daughter trying to be stern. Blake simply just looked up at Bradley blankly before she started giggling at her mother's actions. It didn't take long before Jace started giggling as well.

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