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Impatiently, Bradley's leg bounced. Her nerves were getting the best of her as she awaited news on Rashad. Alex sat alongside of her, along with Georgia, and Posh. No words were shared between any of them since they were all trying to process whether or not these past few moments were apart of their reality or all just a figment of their imagination. Everyone was in shock.

This was the last thing they would have expected to happen today.

Upon getting to the hospital, Bradley and Rashad got separated. She tried her hardest to stay beside him—she even lied and said she was his wife, and still the doctors wouldn't budge. As she argued and protested with hospital staff, doctors and nurses were already sprinting into actions and running Rashad to a room where they could get his heart rate back to normal. "I'm sorry," Alex croaked out.

He had done a good amount of crying. His throat was dry causing his voice to be a bit raspy.

Bradley turned her head around to face him. "It's not your fault Alex,"She assured.

Alex shook his head. "I shouldn't have let him go at it with dude. If we just would've left, we wouldn't even be here right now," Like any other emotionally and mentally hurt person, Alex had began thinking about the what if's. He was positive if he had been just as stern as Bradley was about the fight, Rashad would have been up and well, cracking his lame jokes and claiming he was truly the best at everything. Alex wouldn't even mind hearing him boast about his time of greatness at UCLA or in high school. Or, hearing him complain how spoiled Alex generation was compared to his. He just needed to something out of Rashad, this couldn't just be the end.

"It's not your fault," Bradley restate with assertion. "Everything happens for a reason," Bradley places a consoling hand on Alex's knee, hoping that would diminish all the thoughts of blame he was having. She wanted him to know that this couldn't be put out on him. This was no ones fault except for the person who pulled the trigger.

"He's going to be okay," Georgia spoke up. "Rashad knows he has way too much too loose,"

Alex and Bradley both nodded. They were keeping hope.

A few minutes later, Paige, Jerome, and Brandon came jolting into the hospital waiting area. Alex has the tough job of breaking the news to the family and that only made it worse on him. He only had the heart to tell his mother, father, and brother—the most painful people to tell. He didn't get into much detail about the events that took place, all he said was that Rashad was in the hospital and it was an emergency.

Upon hearing that, everyone sprang into action, dropping everything they were doing. Both Paige and Brandon were worried sick. Paige has cried in the car, and she wasn't even aware in what type of condition Rashad was in, nor did she know what happened. Alex's voice through the phone told her all she needed to know, something horrible he happened.

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