41| Progressing

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"How are you feeling?" Rashad asked as he kneaded the soft pads of his thumbs into the tender soles of Bradley's feet. Cinney's funeral was just three days ago, and things were slowly but surely picking back up to how they use to be.

Bradley shrugged. "So, so,"

Rashad nodded as he continued to massage her feet. "Duke says Posh feels a bit better. She heard from Rome and things seem to be going okay with her as well," He informed. Usiah and the girls hadn't found the time to speak to each other as often as they usually would. They all made sure to keep close contact with Rome since she was affected the worse, but as to talking to each other, they simply couldn't find the strength. The knew any conversation they were bound to have would end up revolving around Cinney. It was just better to allow everyone to grieve in peace and kept their space for the time being.

Bradley nodded. "That's good," She kept her eyes glued onto the television.

Rashad let out a sigh. This had been the longest conversation the two had since Cinney's funeral. Bradley was way more reserved, quite, and distant. Rashad knew this was her way of coping, but he wished she would open up so he can help her with the grieving process.

Reaching over to the left, Rashad grasped the television remote in his hand. While Bradley was paying close attention to the television, Rashad extended his arm out and turned it off. Confused, Bradley bumped her brows together eyeing Rashad with a questioning look. "Why'd you do that for?" She asked him.

"Cause I want you to talk to me," Rashad's tone sounded a bit pleading. He missed conversation with Bradley. She was the highlight of his day, with her funny jokes, bizarre questions, and her constant motivational talk about bettering her business. It felt weird not talking to her since he was use to sometimes telling her that she had to be quiet since she could talk a hole into his head. This wasn't Brad at all, and he didn't like it.

Bradley sighed a draining sigh. "About what Shad?"

Bradley honestly didn't have much to say to Rashad. Her mind was too busy getting stretched thin between Cinney's sudden passing and the whole situation with Kenza. Bradley knew Rashad told her to not harp too much on his "friendship" with his ex that she put an end to quickly, but it still bothered her to the core.

She was so bothered by it, that she even found herself going on various social sites lurking on Kenza's social media profiles. Bradley found herself scrolling past Kenza's photos of blog post and magazine features written by her, to reach the bottom of her timeline where photos of her and Rashad remained. She had pictures of her at his basketball games with his jersey on, selfies of them together on dates, there was even a video of him giving her a Valentines Day present. The relationship between the two seemed genuine and almost made Bradley gag once she seen a picture of them kissing.

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