16| All On Bradley

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It's been a few weeks and the season was finally alternating into Fall. With Bradley being all for chunky sweaters, Uggs, and leggings she was super excited. She knew she wouldn't be getting any snow, but the heat was definitely going to simmer down a bit.

Rashad shook his head as he heard Bradley blasting Christmas music. It was the beginning of November and the girl was already trying to get into the holiday spirit.

"So you just skipped Thanksgiving baby?" Rashad asked as he took a seat on her couch.

Bradley looked over her shoulder and smiled. "No, I just like to merge both of them together," With it being the first holiday they've spent together, they both weren't sure how they were gonna delegate their time for each other all the while keeping their own traditions alive.

For thanksgiving , Bradley always held a Friendsgiving at her place. She invited all the girls and Usiah over and they brought their plus ones and just enjoyed the holiday together. Bradley didn't really have family to spend it with so her friends were her holiday companions.

Rashad on the other hand, always celebrated with family. They all rallied up at Paige's and Brandon's place, a day before and slept over. The next morning they would wake up and prepare for thanksgiving dinner. It was always fun and good vibe if no one had an issue with each other.

Rashad wasn't sure how he was gonna balance incorporating Bradley in the mix, but he was sure he would find a way.

"So you bought everyone gifts?" Rashad raised a brow as she stacked up the boxes of wrapped gifts in the corner of her condo. Bradley and her friends made a tradition to always come baring gifts for both Friendsgiving and Christmas. It was like they were celebrating Christmas early, but without the tree, lights, and stockings. Instead, Bradley redecorated her condo giving it a nice fall vibe. It was a nice turn out overall.

Bradley nodded her head. "Yup. We all buy each other gifts and trade them after we eat," Bradley explained.

"Why you ain't tell me? Now I gotta go gift hunting when Thanksgiving a week away," Rashad took his eyes away from his phone and eyed Bradley.

"Babe, you can just put your name on my gifts, it's no big deal, this is new for you,"

Rashad shook his head no. If he wanted to blend in seamlessly with Bradley's group of friends, he couldn't make a mistake like that. "I'll get to gift shopping later on this week," Rashad told her after a straining yawn. Exhausted wouldn't even be the word to describe how Rashad was feeling. He and Duke had just closed a job out in Lafayette, Louisiana and it was by far the hardest shit they have ever done. He and Duke were committed to making two hour drives back and forth until the job of executing the target was successful.

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