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The weeks in Lithuania were filled with the same repetitive routine that circulated around the sport of basketball. Rashad never got accustomed to getting followed around by cameras, but for the sake of his little brother's career, and personal special that was set to air on all the sport television networks, Rashad did what he had to do.

He was sure the cameras caught a ton of things, ranging from him and Alex goofing off, to Rashad being strict on Alex—not only being his manager, but also being his big brother all in one breath. The cameras filmed their day to day life in Lithuania, not missing a second.

Tonight was the last game Rashad would be attending before he went to go spend two weeks in the states. Alex was a bit uneasy about being in Lithuania alone, but he knew he could do it. He just wished his teammates would stop treating him like so much of an outcast.

Entering the locker room during halftime, Alex tore down the childish American flag one of his teammates drew and stuck onto his locker in hopes of pissing Alex off. Rashad noticed it to, so the camera production for damn sure noticed it. Rashad could see the frustration etched all over Alex's face. His little brother was usually the most liked due to his humor and compassion. The Lithuanian guys weren't letting up in Alex at all since they felt like Alex was overrated. They felt like he was getting special treatment, television production, and slaps on the wrist just because he was American and came to play for their team.

They had hardly given Alex a chance and the lack of chemistry on the court showed. Rashad watched as the guys tried their best to keep the ball out of Alex's hands, sacrificing the game if they had to. The shit was sad. Jealousy never should be this thick between some grown ass men—some, a few years older than Alex.

"Calm down, this ain't shit but some hazing. You been through that already, you had three older brothers," Rashad tried his best to keep Alex at bay. The way Alex sat with his jaw clenched and his leg bouncing up and down let Rashad know that he was pissed. Alex had just went through two quarters of the game, carrying the entire team on his back. They were now twelve points down, and Alex knew that these Lithuanian dudes who wanted nothing to do with him would let him sink on his own.

Alex stood up. " I been putting up with this shit for two fucking weeks Rashad. This ain't no fucking hazing, they hating." He fumed as he pointed down to the now crumbled sketch of the American flag that he tore down on his way in.

Rashad ran his hand down his face. "If you know it's jealousy, why you stressing it? Let them be jealous, just do what you came here for," Although the cameras from ESPN, Fox, and CBS were rolling and crowding the locker room, the moment between the two brothers were genuine. Rashad could tell Alex was on his last breath with the overseas team, but he didn't want his little brother giving up yet.

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